American Association of Public Health Dentistry Dental Public Health has been a specialty since 1950 and AAPHD is the sponsoring organization of the specialty Currently, the specialty of dentistry known as Dental Public Health includes 160 dentists (2015) These dentists received additional education and challenged an examination by the American Board of Dental Public Health for Diplomate certification Dentists have received specialty education in dental public health by completing a DPH residency, but have not challenged the examination Both board certified and board eligible dentists have specialty education in dental public health
American Association of Public Health Dentistry Provides expertise in population-based oral health, surveillance, policy development, oral health promotion and disease prevention for individuals and populations, and maintenance of the dental safety net Along with AAPHD, organizations including ASTDD, APHA, MSDA and NNOHA are engaged in the practice and promotion of public health dentistry
Specialty of Dental Public Health There are currently 16 dental public health residency programs across the US that are preparing specialists as leaders in dental public health The number of programs continues to grow from 13 in 2013 AAPHD and ABDPH are in the process of updating the Dental Public Health competencies for the specialty Opportunity for AAPHD to review the definition of the specialty of Dental Public Health Dental Public Health is the “science and art of preventing and controlling dental disease and promoting dental health through organized community efforts”
AAPHD Perspective AAPHD is the leader in dental public health education of graduate and undergraduate dentists and dental hygienists in the US In 2014, AAPHD developed a set of competencies and a curriculum for dental and dental hygiene schools/programs across the US Curriculum is presented in modules Speakers Bureau is established to deliver information
Workforce State Oral Health Programs need a sufficient and educated workforce to address core public health functions Elusive description of the public health dental workforce nationally and within state programs Defining the role of the Dental Public Health Workforce is critical for operation, succession planning and to describe the needs of state oral health programs
National Public Health Strategic Roadmap Enhance the educational system at multiple levels Integrate population health into professional education Expand practice-based population health in schools and programs of public health (and dentistry) Focus on faculty development Enhance interprofessional education and teams Influence boards, certifications, and licensure of individuals, and accreditation of educational institutions
National Public Health Strategic Roadmap Increase capability of existing workforce Define and target skills and competencies Expand training for defined skills and competencies Develop robust leader and leadership development offerings
Workforce Challenges Leadership with a full-time state dental director is defined as a key infrastructure element in HP % of states had no state or local government OH programs managed by a DPH professional (dental professional with PH degree or experience) 45% of state programs have no more than three FTEs in the state oral health program How can AAPHD work with ASTDD and ADEA to enhance the educational capacity of the state oral health workforce?
Currently, there are two state dental directors who are board certified (down from three state dental directors in 2013) and three dentists who are board eligible What educational competencies does AAPHD need to develop to address the needs of state oral health programs? ASTDD developed competencies for state oral health programs. How do those competencies fit into the DPH specialty curriculum? Should AAPHD and ASTDD collaborate to develop an educational program specifically related to State Oral Health Programs? Would there be a demand? AAPHD Perspective
Collaboration between AAPHD and ASTDD Opportunity for ASTDD to partner with AAPHD to expand the existing collaboration with Dental Public Health Residency Directors Currently, DPH residents partner with the ASTDD Policy Committee to develop Policy Statements. Several DPH programs have taken advantage of this collaboration Dr. Samantha Jordan (DPH Director: Dr. Mary Tavares) collaborated with ASTDD in the creation of this Best Practices Report ASTDD could utilize the curriculum developed by AAPHD as an educational opportunity for State Oral Health Program Directors Develop collaborative opportunities for leadership training for state oral health program directors and dental public health leaders
Challenges How will we educate an competent public health workforce to address the oral health needs in each state? What level of education and experience is necessary to sustain/expand the capacity of the state oral health workforce? Should we look at opportunities to expand an educated public health dentistry workforce? Graduate level dental public health education for dental hygienists?
THANK YOU David P. Cappelli, DMD, MPH, PhD Professor and Director, Dental Public Health Residency Program University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio