Internet Addiction Survey results
About I did a questionnaire about internet addiction and here are the results. Survey is focused on how young people spend time on the internet, how long they are there, if they have experience with cyberbullying and other... In survey were attended 17 people.
In survey were attended 12 girls, 5 boys – 13 (3 people), 14(2 people), 15(2 people), 17 (8 people) and 19 (2 people) years old 10 of them live in the village and 7 people live in the town 5 people admitted they are internet addicted, 10 people think they are not addicted and 2 people don´t know it 14 people said they´ve never been bullied on the internet, 3 people were bullied. 2 people admitted that they bullied someone on the internet.
All of respondents started using internet when they were years old people publish their personal information on the internet. 6 people don´t publish it and 4 people don´t know if they do it people personally met someone who they got to know on the internet, 7 of them are still in the contact with them people prefer personal meeting than communication on the internet. 7 people use both ways of communication in the same rate. 2 people prefer communication on the internet.
Result of question: How many hours do you spend on the internet per day? Result of question: Do you neglect homeworks or sleep because of the internet? More than 5 hours % 1 – 2 hours % 3 – 4 hours % Less than 1 hour 0 No3 - 17% Yes6 - 35% Sometimes8 - 47%
Result of question: How do you spend time on the internet? Result of question: What social networks do you use? Doing homework8 - 47% Chatting with friends % Listening music % Blogging5 - 29% Playing games6 - 35% Other3 - 17% Facebook8 - 47% Twitter % Tumblr % ICQ6 - 35% Skype3 - 17%
Michaela Patúcová II.B