This week in school…
Make a Noise Link to YouTube video:
The theme is Make a noise About bullying!
What do these people have in common?
The possible effects of bullying… How might being bullied make someone feel? How might this affect them in their adult lives?
Make a noise… change a life! 16, year olds are absent from school at any one time due to bullying.
True or false? 30% of 6-15 year olds have been bullied in the past year. True? False?
True or false? Children are five times more likely to be bullied online than at school. True? False?
Bullying or Banter? bully ? joke?
Welcome This is the ABBEY SCHOOL new quiz!!!!!!!! We need 3 students to make up our panel for IS IT BULLYING OR IS IT BANTER?
BULLYING: Hurting another person ON PURPOSE, more than once. Bullying can involve using violence – hurtful words – ganging up, making the person feel helpless. Bullying doesn’t have to be face to face – It can be through the Internet - by text – phone calls
BANTER Banter means:- There is no intention to hurt someone. Says the ‘wrong thing’ at the ‘wrong time – will often say sorry if someone gets upset A joke that you think everyone will think is funny – but if someone does not find it funny – you stop.
Let the quiz begin Question 1 Someone’s parents have split up. Mark tells everyone in the class and on social media. Everyone laughs about it. BULLYING OR BANTER?
NEXT Question 2 Someone’s best friend started telling other friends about a funny thing that happened when they both went to the park. The friend was not sure if they were laughing at her. BULLYING OR BANTER?
NEXT Question 3 When someone walks into all their classes a group of students look at the person. The group giggle and laugh together. BULLYING OR BANTER? WHY?!!
NEXT Question 4 A student finds it hard to control their movements. When they get excited sometimes their hands jerk up. Some students copied the student at a school football match. BULLYING OR BANTER?
LAST QUESTION Question 5 A group of students were telling jokes in the playground. Another student joined the group but did not understand the jokes. Everyone else was laughing. BULLYING OR BANTER?
Thank - you Give a round of applause for the panel Thank you for playing ‘bullying or banter’.
Report it! What is The Abbey School’s process for reporting bullying? How do we make a no!se?????
This week… Lots of activities will be going on T20s and tutor times Police visit Cake sale – Wednesday Caught being nice cards Anti bullying bands to buy Friday assembly Signing of the board School Council Overall Aim…..