Support to GLOSS Delayed-Mode Data Management: Joint Archive for Sea Level Mr. Patrick Caldwell JASL Data Manager GLOSS GE XII, Nov. 9, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Support to GLOSS Delayed-Mode Data Management: Joint Archive for Sea Level Mr. Patrick Caldwell JASL Data Manager GLOSS GE XII, Nov. 9, 2011

What is the JASL? - Collaboration of University of Hawaii Sea Level Center and the US NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center - Grew out of Tropical Ocean/Global Atmospheric (TOGA) under direction of Dr. Klaus Wyrtki -Global sites in support of TOGA, GLOSS, WOCE, TOPEX- Posiden, JASON, CLIVAR, ie. science driven - Dependent on OPEN DATA POLICY, support from over 100 agencies (90 countries) - Hourly, daily, and monthly verified (calibrated/QC’d) values a “product”, receives corrections (Level 0 data saved, but not part of the archive) -Outreach through software support (SLPR2), training, guidance through -Quasi-annual submissions to Word Data Center for Oceanography-SS, Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level, British Ocean Data Centre

What JASL is not? Fastest recorded intervals - hourly highest frequency - coastal surge/tsunami events archived by US Nat. Geophysical Data Center Every station of every coast (focus on monitoring oceanic phenomena)

Relationship to UHSLC -JASL data used to update Fast Delivery (FD) FD = JASL except for most recent months/years -JASL is not involved in FD management (Ms. Shikiko Nakahara and Ms. Fee Yung Porter) - JASL strives to include all FD sites

What’s new at the JASL? QC reference level stability with AVISO data Suspicious Cartagena, Colombia

Originator provided level correction Cartagena, Colombia


New addition from Colombia: San Andres

January 1862, Astoria, Oregon Historic Data Rescue CODATA “Data at Risk Task Group” -Phase I: inventory -Phase II: rescue Seek support from GLOSS members in building an inventory - Investigate and report on holdings -Names of stations -Time spans -What is recorded (marigram, tabulated?) -Ancillary data (tide staff readings, leveling) -Media (paper, microfiche) -Condition of media (risk of loss?) -Volume of media (how many pages, boxes?) -Where are holdings? (your agency, other?) -Plans for restoration to electronic media? *Report to Deadline April 1, 2012 Partners for Sea Level Rescue: Stefan Talke and David Jay Portland State University -Acquired inventories from US National Archives for marigrams, large amount Testing automation of digitizing from scanned marigram images -Funding challenges for rescue

Open Data Policy (unrestricted exchange) is essential for the progress of GLOSS and Oceanography in general.

Management Plans - Stick with the formula, beg for data, coordinate with BODC, PSMSL in soliciting to agencies for contributions - Priority data archeology - Improvements - metadata, GLOSS Data Centers meeting March 2010 – support to implementation - format: NetCDF to facilitate integration Thanks for your support!