Proposed Life Cycle Logistics Certification Training Requirements for FY14 and Beyond
Level II Certification Level III Certification LOG 350 Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management LOG 350 Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management 9.5 days classroom Level II “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) Level II “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) P = Prerequisite Level I “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) Level I “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) P 26 hrs., on-line 27 hrs., on-line 2 CL Modules: PBL & Designing for Support 2 CL Modules: PBL & Designing for Support LOG 102 Systems Sustainment Management LOG 102 Systems Sustainment Management 3 hrs. ea, on-line LOG 101 Acquisition Logistics Fundamentals LOG 101 Acquisition Logistics Fundamentals 25 hrs., on-line Level I Certification P 25 hrs., on-line LOG 340 Life Cycle Product Support LOG 340 Life Cycle Product Support 4.5 days classroom LOG 103 Reliability, Availability & Maintainability LOG 103 Reliability, Availability & Maintainability P P 3 CL Modules: LCSP, BCA & Log Assessment 3 hrs. ea, on-line 35 hrs., on-line P SYS 101 SPRDE Fundamentals SYS 101 SPRDE Fundamentals ACQ 101 Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management ACQ 101 Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management LOG 200 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics LOG 200 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics 32 hours on-line 4.5 days classroom P P 4+8 hrs. ea, on-line NOTE: There are NO prerequisites for LOG 235 LOG 235 Performance Based Logistics LOG 235 Performance Based Logistics 54 hours, online 37 hours, on-line ACQ 201A IntermediateSystemsAcquisition IntermediateSystemsAcquisition ACQ 201B IntermediateSystemsAcquisition IntermediateSystemsAcquisition 4.5 days classroom P 2 CL Modules: Life Cycle Mgt/ Sustainment Metrics & Supportability Analysis 21 hours, on-line LOG-206 Intermediate Systems Sustainment LOG-206 Current FY13 Life Cycle Logistics DAWIA Certification Training Requirements LOG 201 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics LOG 201 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics P P Knowledge based GS 5-9 & E7-O3 Experience: 1 yr 144 total hours Application/case based GS 9-12 & E7-O4 Experience: 2 yrs 228 total hours Case/scenario based GS & E7-O5 Experience: 4 yrs total hours hrs., on-line/clsrm Choice of one of: RQM 110, ACQ 265, BCF 215, LOG 204 Level III “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) (Plus new LOG 365 Product Support Mgr (PSM) Course in FY13) Level III “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) (Plus new LOG 365 Product Support Mgr (PSM) Course in FY13)
Level II Certification Level III Certification Level II “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) Level II “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) P = Prerequisite Level I “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) Level I “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) New Certification Rqmts 26 hrs., on-line 27 hrs., on-line 2 CL Modules: PBL & Designing for Support 2 CL Modules: PBL & Designing for Support LOG 102 Systems Sustainment Management LOG 102 Systems Sustainment Management 3 hrs. ea, on-line LOG 101 Acquisition Logistics Fundamentals LOG 101 Acquisition Logistics Fundamentals 25 hrs., on-line Level I Certification P 25 hrs., on-line LOG 103 Reliability, Availability & Maintainability LOG 103 Reliability, Availability & Maintainability P P 35 hrs., on-line P SYS 101 SPRDE Fundamentals SYS 101 SPRDE Fundamentals ACQ 101 Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management ACQ 101 Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management LOG 200 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics LOG 200 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics 32 hours on-line 4.5 days classroom P P NOTE: There are NO prerequisites for LOG 235 LOG 235 Performance Based Logistics LOG 235 Performance Based Logistics 54 hours, online 37 hours, on-line ACQ 201A IntermediateSystemsAcquisition IntermediateSystemsAcquisition ACQ 201B IntermediateSystemsAcquisition IntermediateSystemsAcquisition 4.5 days classroom P 21 hours, on-line LOG-206 Intermediate Systems Sustainment LOG-206 Originally Proposed FY14 Life Cycle Logistics DAWIA Certification Training Requirements LOG 201 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics LOG 201 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics 4+8 hrs. ea, on-line 2 CL Modules: Life Cycle Mgt/ Sustainment Metrics & Supportability Analysis P P LOG 211 Supportability Analysis LOG 211 Supportability Analysis 4.5 days classroom Choice of one of: RQM 110, ACQ 265, BCF 215, LOG 204 or (new) LOG 215 P Knowledge based GS 5-9 & E7-O3 Experience: 1 yr 144 total hours Application/case based GS 9-12 & E7-O4 Experience: 2 yrs 264 total hours P LOG 350 Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management LOG 350 Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management 9.5 days classroom P LOG 340 Life Cycle Product Support LOG 340 Life Cycle Product Support 4.5 days classroom 3 CL Modules: LCSP, BCA & Log Assessment 3 hrs. ea, on-line Case/scenario based GS & E7-O5 Experience: 4 yrs total hours hrs., on-line/clsrm Level III “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) (Including Post-Level III LOG 365 Product Support Mgr (PSM) Course) Level III “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) (Including Post-Level III LOG 365 Product Support Mgr (PSM) Course)
Originally Proposed FY14 DAWIA Certification Requirements Need to be Tweaked Made Sense at the Time, as it ensured training requirements addressed required competencies and policy/statutory requirements However, the World Continued to Change Rapidly…. – Must proactively address remaining gaps between logistics competency set and training – Urgent need for interdisciplinary integration and alignment across functional domains – Increased USD(AT&L) focus on high-priority interdisciplinary cognizance of business acumen, affordability, and earned value management topics – Need for greater understanding of contracting, EVM, and O&S cost by life cycle logisticians to successfully develop & execute performance based life cycle product support strategies – Current co-mingling of classroom and distance learning course requirements as part of “choose one of four” option at Level III inadvertently encourages students to default to perceived easiest or least time-consuming option (potentially missing critical skills) – Fiscal realities, budgetary pressures, and classroom course TDY travel costs
Original Approach No Longer Viable Need to “untangle” existing/current “choose one of four” mix at Level III of distance learning & classroom options – RQM 110 Core Concepts for Requirements Management (Distance Learning Course) – LOG 204 Configuration Management (Distance Learning Course) – BCF 215 Operating and Support Cost Analysis (Classroom Course) – ACQ 265 Mission-Focused Services Acquisition (Classroom Course) Risk of New Interdisciplinary Course Requirements “Swamping the Boat” – EVM 101 Fundamentals of Earned Value Management (Distance Learning Course) – CON 121/124/127 Contracting (3 Contracting Fundamentals Distance Learning Courses) – LOG/ACQ 215 Technical Data Management (Proposed Distance Learning Course) – LOG 211 Supportability Analysis (In-Development Classroom Course) – ACQ 315 Business Acumen (In-Development Classroom Course) Inability of original LOG 211 deployment strategy to “get there from here” – Fiscal realities vs. anticipated travel costs – Reality that some life cycle logisticians may never use these skills – Throughput & demand management issues if Life Cycle Logistics, Systems Engineering, and Test & Evaluation each mandated the course – Anticipated DAU faculty availability & classroom capacity issues
LOG 211 Supportability Analysis Course Instructor (16-20 Jul 12) & Student Pilot (24-28 Sep 12) Unanimous consensus of entire DAU development team that it would be inappropriate to teach a course of this depth, rigor, and detail to entire Life Cycle Logistics workforce Recommend instead LOG 211 be targeted at Supportability Analysis Practioners & LCL/SE Personnel Requiring Cognizance & Insight, and Made Optional as “Choose 1 of 4” DAWIA Certification Option Remainder of workforce would still be exposed to Supportability Analysis via CLL 012, CLL 029 CBM+, CLL 030 RCM, CLL 042, and CLL 057/058 LORA continuous learning modules Future PSMs, Enterprise Life Cycle Logisticians, Remainder of Systems Engineers Important Audience “Should Have” Requires Cognizance & Insight into Processes Remainder of the Life Cycle Logistics Workforce Possible Audience “Could Have” Decision Up to Individual & Their Supervisor Supportability Analysis Practitioners Primary Target Audience “Must Have” Requires Hands-on Detailed “How to” Skills Primary Target Audience
Recommended “Win-Win” Approach for FY14: Provide Student with Options at Both Level II & Level III Add CLC 011 “Contracting for the Rest of Us” as Level II CL requirement Group distance learning requirements as a “Choose One of Five” interdisciplinary Level II option ‒ EVM 101 Fundamentals of Earned Value Management (18 hrs.) OR ‒ RQM 110 Core Concepts for Requirements Management (32 hrs.) OR ‒ CON 121 Contracting Planning & CON 124 Contracting Execution & CON 127 Contract Management (Total 36 hrs.) OR ‒ LOG 204 Configuration Management (18 hrs.) OR ‒ LOG/ACQ 215 Technical Data Management (TBD hrs.) Group classroom course requirements as a “Choose One of Four” interdisciplinary Level III option – LOG 211 Supportability Analysis (4.5 days) OR – BCF 215 Operating and Support Cost Analysis (4.5 days) OR – ACQ 265 Mission-Focused Services Acquisition (3.5 days) OR – ACQ 315 Business Acumen (4.5 days) Workforce Members, Supervisors, Services, DACMs, and DAU All Benefit
8 Level II Certification Level III Certification Level II “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) Level II “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) P = Prerequisite Level I “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) Level I “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) Level III “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) (Including Post-Level III LOG 365 Product Support Mgr (PSM) Course) Level III “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) (Including Post-Level III LOG 365 Product Support Mgr (PSM) Course) New/Updated Certification Rqmts 26 hrs., on-line 27 hrs., on-line 2 CL Modules: PBL & Designing for Support 2 CL Modules: PBL & Designing for Support LOG 102 Systems Sustainment Management LOG 102 Systems Sustainment Management 3 hrs. ea, on-line LOG 101 Acquisition Logistics Fundamentals LOG 101 Acquisition Logistics Fundamentals 25 hrs., on-line Level I Certification P 25 hrs., on-line LOG 103 Reliability, Availability & Maintainability LOG 103 Reliability, Availability & Maintainability P P 35 hrs., on-line P SYS 101 SPRDE Fundamentals SYS 101 SPRDE Fundamentals ACQ 101 Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management ACQ 101 Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management LOG 200 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics LOG 200 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics 32 hours on-line 4.5 days classroom P P NOTE: There are NO prerequisites for LOG 235 LOG 235 Performance Based Logistics LOG 235 Performance Based Logistics 54 hours, online 37 hours, on-line ACQ 201A IntermediateSystemsAcquisition IntermediateSystemsAcquisition ACQ 201B IntermediateSystemsAcquisition IntermediateSystemsAcquisition 4.5 days classroom P 21 hours, on-line LOG-206 Intermediate Systems Sustainment LOG-206 Recommended FY14 Life Cycle Logistics DAWIA Certification Training Requirements LOG 201 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics LOG 201 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics 4+8 hrs. ea, on-line 3 CL Modules: Life Cycle Mgt/ Metrics, Contracting for Rest of Us, & Supportability Analysis P 4.5 days classroom Choice of one of: ACQ 265, BCF 215 LOG 211, OR ACQ 315 (New) Choice of one of: ACQ 265, BCF 215 LOG 211, OR ACQ 315 (New) P Knowledge based GS 5-9 & E7-O3 Experience: 1 yr 144 total hours Application/case based GS 9-12 & E7-O4 Experience: 2 yrs 264 total hours P LOG 350 Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management LOG 350 Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management 9.5 days classroom P LOG 340 Life Cycle Product Support LOG 340 Life Cycle Product Support 4.5 days classroom 3 CL Modules: LCSP, BCA & Log Assessment 3 hrs. ea, on-line Case/scenario based GS & E7-O5 Experience: 4 yrs total hours hrs., online Choice of one of: RQM 110, LOG 204, EVM 101, CON 121/124/127 (New) OR ACQ/ LOG 215 (New) Choice of one of: RQM 110, LOG 204, EVM 101, CON 121/124/127 (New) OR ACQ/ LOG 215 (New)
Myriad Benefits of this Approach Logical and Easily Understood Grouping of DL & Classroom Courses Addresses last remaining competencies from 2008 Logistics Human Capital Strategy Addresses all known requirements, competency gaps, and leadership focus areas Addresses DACM concerns related to ability of life cycle logistics workforce members to complete level II and Level III training requirements within 24 months Avoids sending LCL members to LOG 211 training that they often would not use Travel cost savings by not mandating every workforce member take LOG 211 Addresses anticipated LOG 211 throughput issues by reducing LCL demand from ~2,100 students/year (70 offerings) to ~500 students/year (17 offerings), while targeting more experienced workforce members pursuing Level III certification Proactively anticipates future Systems Engineering demand for LOG 211 Greater supervisor & student flexibility based on individual professional development requirements Facilitates broader interdisciplinary integration both in LCL certification track, as well as making logistics courses more readily available to other career fields Potential concern is forecasting demand for classroom courses, however “Choose 1 of 4” precedent well established by multiple career fields (LOG, CON, PM, & PSE)
Prerequisites Classroom Courses – BCF 215 (current choose 1 of 4 requirement) Competence in algebra is required – ACQ 265 (Current choose 1 of 4 requirement) CLC 013 Performance-Based Services Acquisition CLM 013 Work-Breakdown Structure – LOG 211 (new) ACQ 101 Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition CLL 008 Designing for Supportability in DoD Systems CLL 012 Supportability Analysis LOG 101 Acquisition Logistics Fundamentals LOG 103, Reliability Availability Maintainability SYS 101 SPRDE Fundamentals – ACQ 315 (new) TBD DL Courses – RQM 110 (current choose 1 of 4 requirement) CLR 101, Introduction to the Joint Capabilities Integration & Development System – LOG 204 (current choose 1 of 4 requirement) ACQ 101, Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management – CON 121/124/127 (new) None for non-contracting personnel, except for each previous course in sequence – EVM 101 (new) ACQ 101, Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management – LOG 215 (new) TBD
Students coded as a level III LOG career field registering for one of the courses listed under “Functional Training” to obtain their certification, they will be coded as Training Priority 1. For the non- LOG courses listed in the pick list (ACQ 265, BCF 215, LOG 204, RQM 110); they will be coded as Training Priority 1 for the first course that they take. If they choose to take another course on the pick list after having satisfied the certification requirement of completing one of the courses, they will be coded as Training Priority 3. Students coded as a level III LOG career field registering for one of the courses listed under “Core Plus Development Guide”, they will be coded as a Training Priority 3. For ACQ 265, if they’ve already completed one of the other courses on the pick list and decide to take ACQ 265, they will be coded as Training Priority 3. Note: The explanation provided is based on the Services properly maintaining their certification metrics in their Training Application Systems and the students are properly coded in DCPDS/ATRRS. Partial list of the “Core Plus. …”