Advertising & Communication Management BRAND BUILDING Laura Gerber, Marie Legrand, Mathilde Villette
TABLE OF CONTENTS What is brand building ? Brand awareness & brand image Brand building process
WHAT IS BRAND BUILDING ? Brand building : Increases the voice and consumer awareness of a brand, Gives it an identity and worth. A process of creating value to consumers
BRAND AWARENESS & IMAGE Two complementary notions : A brand has to be known but it can be in a good or bad way BRAND AWARENESS Aided awareness Spontaneous awareness Top of mind awareness
BRAND IMAGE The impression in the consumers’ mind of a brand’s total personality Developed over time through advertising campaigns BRAND AWARENESS & IMAGE
APPLICATIONS & TYPOLOGY OF BRAND IMAGE Weak respect Beloved Unloved Strong respect
BRAND BUILDING PROCESS 1. DEFINE YOUR BRAND Determines what your brand truly stands for Create a checklist of its core strengths & define the brand values Values should show how the company contribute to environmental, social, and economic well-being of consumers
BRAND BUILDING PROCESS 2. DIFFERENTIATE AND POSITION YOUR BRAND Attract attention and stand out from competitors Create a unique advantage in the mind of consumers Use a good branding strategy to position your brand
BRAND BUILDING PROCESS 3. BUILD AND EXPOSE YOUR BRAND Keep reinforcing your values and skills Taking up new roles and assignments Develop brand personality Why ? Drives people to identify with and engage with your brand Easily establish a pattern that will forever be associated with your brand name
BRAND BUILDING PROCESS 4. PERSONALIZE YOUR BRAND Important to give the brand an identity Invite customers to be co-creators of brand values
BRAND BUILDING PROCESS 5. REVIEW YOUR BRAND Brand is not static; it will go through a range of motions in its lifetime The best way of ensuring brand growth is : Reviewing activities and evaluating successes through Metrics Regular reviews
SOURCES attract-customers-2/ Professor and researcher : Sandrine Poupon