Executive Roles Executive RolePresidentGovernorMayor Chief Executive 1. President sees that the laws made by Congress are followed. 2. President is boss of all Cabinet heads and other employees of the Executive Branch 3. Appoints: a)Members to Cabinet b)Supreme Court Justices c)People to represent the U.S. in other countries. d)Other Top positions in the Executive Branch. ex. F.B.I., C.I.A. etc… 1.In the state; he makes sure that laws are faithfully executed. 2.Appoints and removes governmental officials with legislative consent. 3.Executive clemency---powers of mercy which may be shown to those convicted of a crime. 4.Issues warrants of extradition. 1.In the city of Lincoln, sees to it that the ordinances are enforced. 2.Appoints and removes city officials with city council approval. 3.Boss of the cities executive branch.
Executive Roles Executive RolePresidentGovernorMayor 4. Can issue pardons, reprieves and commute a person’s sentence. (Checks Judiciary) 5. Executive order (ex. Giving money to foreign nations without Congress’s approval) Commander-In-Chief 1.President commands all the country’s armed forces. 2.Commands the state militias (National Guard) when U.S. is at war. 3.Being a civilian, the Commander In Chief keeps the military from taking over 1.Control of State’s National Guard. 2.Deals with prison riots, aid in relief and evacuation and looting during and after a flood or natural disaster. 3.To help the police reduce holiday accidents. 1.Has the right and power to call out the Lincoln Police Force if need be. 2.Deals with neighborhood protection - riots - neighborhood unrest.
Executive Roles Executive RolePresidentGovernorMayor Chief Legislator 1.Speaks to congress (State of the Union). 2. Recommends laws for improvement (eg. Health Care plan, Brady Bill ) 3. Vetoes Congressional Legislation 4. Lobby Congressmen for passage of bills important to him. 1. Sends messages to the State’s legislature (State of the State Address) 2. Call legislatures into a special session 3. Veto power: has 5 days or it becomes law. Also, has item veto power. 1.Sends messages to the city’s council (State of the City Address). 2.Call City Council into a special session. 3.Veto power Chief Budget Maker 1. Presents a budget to Congress - budget is prepared by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 1. Presents an itemized budget to the legislature. 1.Make a city budget for the coming year. Presents it to the city council for approval.
Executive Roles Executive RolePresidentGovernorMayor Head of State 1.Greets leaders and representatives of other countries (less serious - ceremonial) 2.Ceremonial leader and symbol of government. 1.Greets dignitaries for foreign countries 2.Ceremonial leader in activities for our state. 1.Greets dignitaries for foreign countries 2.Ceremonial leader in activities for our city. Head Diplomat 1.Makes Treaties (Serious-could affect U.S. future) a) Power to make agreements with foreign nations *approved by the senate. 1.Can not make any treaties but can make business deals with country and state. 1.Can not make any treaties but can make business deals with country for city as long as governor agrees. Guardian of the Economy 1.Manages the economy 2.Deals with unemployment, inflation, and taxes for our nation. 1.Manages the economy of the state. 2.Deals with unemployment, inflation and taxes for state. 1.Manages the economy of the city. 2.Deals with unemployment, inflation and taxes for city.
Executive Roles Executive RolePresidentGovernorMayor Party Leader 1.President’s policies become party’s platform. 2.Campaigns for party colleagues. 1.State party leader. 2.Campaign for party colleagues in state and local elections. 1.State party leader. 2.Campaign for party colleagues in state and local elections.
Executive Roles Executive RolePresidentGovernorMayor