Capabilities for Learning About Customers and Markets Pertemuan 7 Buku 1 Hal: Matakuliah: J Strategi Pemasaran Tahun: 2009
Bina Nusantara Market-driven strategy, market sensing and learning processes Marketing information and knowledge resources Marketing intelligence and knowledge management Ethical issues in collecting and using information Learning Objective
Market Sensing and Learning Processes Market sensing processes Learning organization – Learning and competitive advantage – Learning about markets – Barriers to market learning processes
Market sensing at Tesco International Retailer entry to U.S. grocery market, not with existing format Discovering what U.S. consumers want: – Senior managers live with U.S. families – Probe lifestyles of families – Prototype store Developing a new retail format and targeting the “grocery gap”
Market sensing processes Open-minded inquiry processes Analyzing competitors’ actions Listening to front-line employees Searching for latent customer needs Scanning the peripherary of the market Encouraging experimentation
Marketing information and knowledge resources Scanning processes Specific marketing research studies Internal and external marketing information resources – Relationships with external marketing research providers
1. Client Would you recommend this supplier? 2. Supplier Do you have sufficient funds for this project? 3. What parts of the project will be subcontracted, and how do you manage subcontractors? 4. May I see your interviewer’s manual and data entry manual? 5. How do you train and supervise interviewers? Screening A New Research Supplier
6. What percentage of interviews are validated? 7. May I see a typical questionnaire? 8. Who draws your samples? 9. What percentage of your data entry is verified? 10. Managers - What do you think about this supplier? Screening A New Research Supplier
A Framework for Market Sensing Probability of the Event Occurring Effect of the Event on the Company HighLowMedium *1=Disaster, 2=Very bad, 3=Bad, 4=Neutral, 5=Good, 6=Very good, 7=Ideal Utopia Field of Dreams Things to Watch Danger Future Risks
Learning About Markets Objective Inquiry Keeping and Gaining Access to Prior Learning Synergistic Information Distribution Mutually Informed Interpretations Source: George S. Day, Journal of Marketing, October 1994.
Barriers to market learning Managers reject new insights/information Rigid organizational structures and inflexible information systems Politics favour the status quo Overwhelming pressure of existing business operations Tendency to “active inertia”