Tourism aggregates item 13 of the agenda Structural Business Statistics Working Group 14 April 2015, Luxembourg
List of tourism industries Based on UNSD/UNWTO list of tourism industries, but fine-tuned to the European setting Exclusion of 'real estate activities' (NACE L/68) Exclusion of 'other accommodation' (NACE 559) Exclusion of 'other food service activities' (NACE 5629) Exclusion of tourism industries currently not covered by SBS Tourism industries are defined at NACE 4 digit level Many gaps in country data at 4 digit level (confidentiality) Problems with bottom-up calculation of 'higher level' aggregates Need for case-by-case bilateral contacts/clearance, or preferably transmission of special aggregates (conditional on non-disclosure of confidential data)
Example: tourism industries – Number of enterprises and persons employed (1)
Example: tourism industries – Turnover and value added (2)
Example: tourism industries' turnover (3)
Special aggregates ] = Tourism industries (total) + two sub-aggregates: XXXX = tourism industries (mainly tourism) XXXX = tourism industries (partially tourism) No longer requested: tourism ind. (total incl. 4931) tourism ind. (UNWTO excl. 4931)
Special aggregates ] = Transport related ] ] ] ] = Accommodation related = Food & beverage related = Car and other rental = Travel agencies, tour operators, reservation services
Special aggregates Other sub-aggregates: Land transport ( ) Land transport, road ( ) Water transport ( ) Land and water transport ( ) Accommodation, food and beverages ( ) Renting and leasing of cars and trucks ( , =771) Travel agency, tour operator ( , =791)
Dissemination Data Extension of the tourism statistics tree in Eurobase Annual data on tourism industries based on SBS (number of enterprises, persons employed, turnover, value added) Quarterly data on selected tourism industries based on STS (turnover, persons employed, producer prices) After transmission of 2013 annual data (incl. special aggregates?) Analysis Update of the Statistics Explained article April 2015 (using 2012 SBS data)
Thank you for your attention !