Assignment of NTS Entry Capacity – Questions relating to High level Business Rules Assignment Workstream, 7th April 2009
2 Questions to consider re High Level Business Rules National Grid NTS has a number of questions that it believes the Industry will need to consider to move Assignment forward, primarily : whether applies only to QSEC only or is to also include AMSEC? whether NTS Entry Capacity can assigned to multiple parties? whether the duration of the NTS Entry Capacity assigned is on an enduring basis or is to be driven by the assigning User? at what level should the notice period be set at i.e. 10 business days, 1 month etc
3 Issues to be considered There are also a number of issues that National Grid NTS believes should be considered by the Industry: how will NTS Entry Capacity Trades, Options, Forwards etc be managed i.e. will they be included as part of an assignment? what will be the implications for Credit Management? how frequently will an NTS entry Capacity Assignment process be used? what are the priorities i.e. complexity, frequency of use, cost etc