Higher business management ASSIGNMENT GUIDANCE FOR PUPILS
ASSIGNMENT 30% of final grade Written report Two stages Planning and gathering evidence - 6.5 hours (inside and out of the classroom) Producing the report 1.5 hours – in class under exam conditions Max 6 A4 pages (1.5/2.0 line spacing) Max 4 A4 pages in appendix
MARK ALLOCATION Introduction – 2 marks Research – 4 marks Analysis and interpretation – 12 marks Conclusions and recommendations – 10 marks Collating and reporting findings – 2 marks
TOPIC IDEAS What are the most effective marketing strategies Organisation X use to increase their market share? Analysis technique - SWOT analysis Would increasing the product range in Organisation X increase profits? Analysis technique - Product portfolio analysis or SWOT How efficient are the production methods used at Organisation X? Analysis techniques - Analysis of production processes Does Organisation X promote a positive corporate culture? Analysis technique - SWOT analysis
INTRODUCTION - 2 MARKS Clearly state the purpose of the report, with some background information and the analytical technique identified Clearly explain the analytical technique to be used Each point must relate to the business issue/analytical technique chosen. No marks should be awarded if there is no clear statement of the purpose of the report and no further information is given, or if the information given is not related to the purpose or business issue chosen.
RESEARCH - 4 MARKS Clearly explain the suitability of the research used, or for the development of a relevant point, including exemplification. Explanations of the suitability of at least two sources of research (primary or secondary) to gain the full 4 marks. If only one source is used a maximum of 2 marks can be awarded. No marks are awarded for merely identifying the sources used.
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION - TECHNIQUES PEST analysis SWOT analysis Ratio analysis Analysis of production processes Product life cycle extension strategies Product portfolio analysis or any other appropriate business analytical techniques.
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION – 12 MARKS Make relevant and/or valid analytical or interpretive point of information based on research evidence or for the development of the relevant point, up to a maximum of 12 marks. More than one relevant point may be made from each piece of research evidence. Each point should link the information from research evidence to knowledge and understanding of the business issue and/or the analytical technique used. To gain a high mark in this section you must make in-depth analytical and/or interpretive points, based on your research. The points made should make a clear link to the analysis technique used and the report purpose
CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS– 10 MARKS Each conclusion and/or recommendation should be described clearly and logically and drawn from the evidence and other relevant supporting information. The conclusions and recommendations must be justified and clearly link to the purpose of the report One or more conclusion(s) and/or recommendation (s) to get full marks (It will be easier to get full marks if you have more than one conclusion and/or recommendation).
COLLATING & REPORTING– 2 MARKS Headings should be used appropriately and relevant information contained under each heading Appropriate business terminology should be used throughout the report