IHEP 打ち合わせ (7/5-7/6) 報告 7/18 ATF2-mag-all への菅原メールより適当に抜粋 7/20 増澤(菅原代理) [IHEP]Jiang Wang, Jiuqing Wang, Cai-tu Shi, Zhaosheng Yin, Xuwei Dai, Yucheng Liu [KEK] Ryuhei Sugahara, Mika Masuzawa [NIRS] Masayuki Kumada 7/5 午後打ち合わせ 1. 菅原 ATF2 project の紹介 & スケジュールについて He showed the current construction schedule. Magnets, power supplies and BPMs shoule be produced in 2005 and Other elements, such as vacuum chambers, shouldl be produced in FY2006. Refurbishment of the floor and installation of radiation shields and accelerator elements must be carried out in The construction should be completed in the end of 2007.
# of magnets and tolerances Presenting beam optics, he showed the number of magnets to be produced: 8 for dipole magnets, 27+1(extra for QMX)+1(spare) for quadrupole magnets (QEA-type), a pair of final doublet quads and 5 for sextupole magnets. But these numbers might be changed slightly, because the beam optics is not yet fixed. He then showed the tolerances on the magnetic field strength, magnet tilt, jitter and stability of vertical position of quadrupole magnets. He also showed the tolerances on the multipole component. Requisition on sextupole contamination is the most sever: B2/B1(r=10mm) < 3x10^-4 for QEA-type, 6x10^-5 for QF1 and 3*10^-5 for QD0, where B2 and B1 stand for the magnetic field strength of sextupole (n=3) and quadrupole (n=2) components at r=10mm respectively.
2. Specification for cores, coils, assembly and alignment reference plate Specifications for cores, coils and assembly, written by Cherril M. Spencer of SLAC and corrected by R. Sugahara, were presented by M. Kumada briefly. IHEP people will read them carefully and make their own manuscripts and drawings to produce magnets in accordance with these specifications. SLAC and KEK will finalize these specifications soon. Design of alignment reference plate and the tolerances were presented by R. Sugahara. Fourth documentation on Quadrupole Engineering Design Summary written by C. M. Spencer was received by IHEP during the meeting. Attendance will read it carefully.
3. Magnetic field measurement M. Masuzawa made a presentation on magnetic field measurement showing her experience in the mass measurement for KEKB quadrupole magnets. She alked on (1) purpose of the measurements, (2) measurement outline, (3) requirements, (4) example of KEKB measurements, and (5) measurement scenario. Excitation curve, field off-center, effective length, position of median plane and multipole component have to be measured. She pointed out that it is important to do the field measurement at IHEP to detect some defects, such as layer short, occurred in the production process in order to feed it back to machine shop. She also pointed out that good environment should be prepared showing some measurement results before and after improvement of wind flow of an air conditioner system.
4. Procedure of contract Procedure of contract was introduced by R. Sugahara as follows. –By July 11: Give the title, cost estimation, and number of magnets to be produced in FY2005 (1 April March 2006) to the Contract Office (C.O.) of KEK –IHEP からの見積もりが今月中に出る。これによって今年度中に 何台のマグネットを製作するか決まる。 –By the end of July: Give the final version of spec. to C.O. –~ Aug. 5: Public announcement of bid –~ Oct. 1: Call for bids --> Toyota Tsusho Corp. applies –~ Oct. 10: Open the bids and make contract By the end of March: All magnets must be delivered to KEK
5.Machine shop 見学(7/6) Japanese members visited the machine shop of IHEP, and looked at dipole and quadrupole magnets for BEPCII in final shape, machining, coil winding, laminated plate stacking, magnetic field measurement and pre-alignment of magnets on a common girder. Questions and discussions were made at each shop.
BEPCII magnets
Outokumpu copper
Stacking (ラミネーション)
ターゲットホルダー 磁場測定ベンチ ハーモニックコイル
6. Schedule Following schedule was agreed between IHEP and KEK+NIRS. (1) Some memorandum shall be made by KEK on this collaboration, and it shall be sent to IHEP in about a week. IHEP shall start preparation for the magnet production after receiving this memorandum. (2) Specifications shall be finalized by SLAC and KEK in about 10 days. (3) Quotation for the cost for the production of quadrupole magnets of type QEA shall be given in a week by IHEP after the final version of specifications was received.