PE in English 6B U4 L1
/weɪst/ /niː/ Warming-up Body parts waist knee head neck arm hand leg foot
Do actions according to my orders. A game Do actions according to my orders. (根据口令尽可能快地做出相应动作) PE teacher Touch(触摸) your head Touch your knee Put up your right hand Touch your left ear Touch your waist Touch your right leg Stamp (跺脚) your left foot.
Tuning in Warm-up exercises (热身运动) /'eksəsaɪzɪz/
/ni:/ Warm-up exercises /pʊʃ/ leg lift push-up waist bend jumping jack (热身运动) knee bend leg lift /ni:/ sit-up push-up /pʊʃ/ waist bend jumping jack /weɪst/ /bend/
Match the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. 2. leg lift 3. waist bend 1. sit-up 2. leg lift 3. waist bend 4. jumping jack 5. push-up 6. knee bend
Warm-up exercises A: What is the man in doing? B: He is doing . jumping jacks, sit-ups, knee bends, leg-lifts, push-ups, waist bends Warm-up exercises (1) (3) (4) (2) (6) (5) A: What is the man in doing? B: He is doing . picture 1 leg lifts
Pair work waist bends waist bends play volleyball. A: What is she doing? B: She is doing . A: Why is she doing ? B: Because she is going to . waist bends waist bends play volleyball.
knee bends knee bends play badminton. A: What is she doing? B: She is doing ______________ . A: Why is she doing ____________ ? B: Because she is going to_____________ knee bends knee bends play badminton.
jumping jacks. jumping jacks play tennis. A: What is she doing? B: She is doing . A: Why is she doing ? B: Because she is going to . jumping jacks. jumping jacks play tennis.
A: What warm-up exercises is he doing? B: He is doing . sometimes / before playing basketball A: What warm-up exercises is he doing? B: He is doing . A: Do you ever do them? B: Yes, I sometimes do ______________ before . waist bends waist bends playing basketball
A: What warm-up exercises is she doing? B: She is doing . A: Do you ever do them? B: Yes, I often do . before . sit-ups sit-ups. playing volleyball
A: What warm-up exercises is he doing? B: He is doing . A: Do you ever do them? B: Yes, I usually do . before . push-ups push-ups bowling
A: What warm-up exercises is she doing? B: She is doing . A: Do you ever do them? B: Yes, I always do . before . leg lifts leg lifts. roller-skating
A: What warm-up exercises is she doing? B: She is doing . A: Do you ever do them? B: Yes, I sometimes do . before . knee bends knee bends playing badminton
Listen and tick (√) the warm-up exercises you hear. (把听到的热身运动写在课堂作业本上) leg lifts ( ) knee bends jumping jacks ( ) sit-ups waist bends ( ) push-ups ( ) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) √ √ √
Let’s have a PE class!
Listen and fill in the blanks: Orders (体育口令) Attention! Eyes ___1___! __2__ ease! Eyes __3__! right At front
/i:z/ /ə′tenʃn / Attention! At ease! Eyes right! Eyes front! Orders 指令学习 Attention! /ə′tenʃn / 立正 At ease! /i:z/ 稍息 Eyes right! 向右看! Eyes front! 向前看!
A game: Do the right sport actions according to the orders and tell us their English meanings. 根据口令做正确的动作,并讲出其英语表达。 ★ 稍息! At ease ! ★ 立正! Attention ! ★ 向右看齐! Eyes right ! ★ 向前看! Eyes front ! ★向左看! Eyes left! ★ 向右看! Eyes right ! ★ 稍息! At ease! ★ 立正! Attention ! ★ 向前看! Eyes front ! ★向左看! Eyes left!
A: What kind of warm-up exercises do you like doing? B: I like doing … Dialogue /'eksəsaɪzɪz/ A: What kind of warm-up exercises do you like doing? B: I like doing … A: When do you do them? B: I do them before… . leg lifts playing table tennis table tennis, jog, bowl, golf, roller-skate, swim, basketball … leg lifts knee bends waist bends jumping jacks sit-ups push-ups
What do we learn during this lesson? Think it over! What do we learn during this lesson?
Vocabulary 1. leg lift 2. waist bend 3. jumping jack 4. sit-up 5. push-up 6. knee bend 7. eyes front 8. eyes right 9. attention 10. at ease 提腿运动 弯腰运动 跳跃运动 仰卧起坐 俯卧撑 下蹲起立运动 向前看 向右看 立正 稍息
Homework: 1. Copy and recite these ten phrases 2. Preview the text.