4/17/07 BR- What do you think is meant by the quote, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Today: The Origins of Slavery? Today:


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Presentation transcript:

4/17/07 BR- What do you think is meant by the quote, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Today: The Origins of Slavery? Today: The Origins of Slavery? - Hand in BLM 8 - Remember Reading Quiz on Friday Chapter 8, 9, 10

Answer These Questions Today: 1. How many slaves are estimated to have been in Attica in the 6 th century BC? 2. Describe what type of work slaves did in ancient Greece. 3. Why did the Greeks feel that slavery was ok? 4. Describe the way that a person might become a slave in ancient Greece. 5. What are the similarities between slaves and regular working Athenians? What is the main difference?

Assignment for Tomorrow On a piece of paper, divided in half, list all of the arguments for slavery in ancient Greece and then list all of the arguments against slavery in ancient Greece. Use chapter 9.