Bell-work #1 Update TOC: 4/14 Civil War LGS 98 4/14 Civil War SPC 99 4/14 War Starts Cornell 100 EQ: What is a border state?
Objective and Scales: Students will be able to describe how US states took sides in the beginning with either the Confederacy or the Union in the Civil War with 80% accuracy Where does today’s objective fit into the Learning Goal Scale? Objective A How do you reach MASTERY or SCALE EVEREST for objective A? TOC pg. War Begins Cornell
1. How did the war begin? In February of 1861; after Lincoln is elected, 7 southern states secede creating the Confederate States of American and elect Jefferson Davis as their president The war officially begins in April 12th of 1861 when the South attacks Ft. Sumter (S.C) soon after Lincoln’s inauguration. (He knew they would) We can no longer ignore the tensions, sectionalism has torn apart the nation and now border states must choose a side!
2. Vocabulary and VIPS Border State-slave states that did not secede from the Union Neutral-Not favoring either side Jefferson Davis-President of the Confederacy from Mississippi Rebellion-an attempt to overthrow a government or resistance against a government
3. How did states chose? Two days after the Union lost Fort Sumter, President Lincoln declared a state of rebellion in the South He asked for states to raise troops to help put the rebellion down Across the North, young men volunteered…like a lot…75,000 Support was so strong that governors of Ohio, Indiana, and several states begged to send more troops Boys as young as 13 volunteered
4. Why do more states secede? Many states were unhappy with Lincoln requesting troops (tyrant?) Tennessee’s governor refused to send a single man The President’s call for troops led more southern states to secede Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina seceded. However, the western counties of Virginia ( little support for slavery) refused to secede In 1863, these 50 counties admitted to the Union and became the state of West Virginia
5. Secession Timeline South Carolina - December 20, 1860 Mississippi - January 9, 1861 Florida - January 10, 1861 Alabama - January 11, 1861 Georgia - January 19, 1861 Louisiana - January 26, 1861 Texas - February 1, 1861 Virginia - April 17, 1861 Arkansas - May 6, 1861 North Carolina - May 20, 1861 Tennessee - June 8, 1861
6. Border States Loyalties were divided among the border states Delaware had a few slaves, but loyal to the Union However, many people in Kentucky, Missouri, and Maryland favored the South More importantly the states of Kentucky and Missouri were important for controlling the Ohio and Miss. Rivers At first, KY declared itself neutral…but when Confederate forces charged into the state…they decided to side with the Union. Following, when Lincoln occupied Missouri and Maryland with US troops, Missouri sided with the Union (why?) Southern sympathizers destroyed railroad and telegraph lines in Maryland so Lincoln placed eastern Maryland under marital law
Summary and Progress Charts Explain how the border states sided in the war and why Complete progress chart for objective A