Edmond FFA Parents Club May 11, 2010 Meeting Minutes Attendance: Greg Manhalter (President), Tami Myers, James Aderhold, Ronda Hall (Secretary), Dale Frech, Tammy Frech, Chris Baade (Vice-P), Ron Brown, Lorena Gibson (MAL), Dianne Oberlander, Flo Gurulè, Priscilla Gurulè Greg Manhalter opened the meeting at 7:05 at the Silverleaf Salon. Thank you, Michelle Martin for opening up the doors for us to use your place of business to meet. Tami Myers (out going Secretary) read the minutes of the April 15 th, meeting. Motion to approve the minutes as read was made by Dale Frech, seconded by Chris Baade. Ronda Hall informed the group that the money for the GPA awards that were not handed out during the Annual Banquet goes back into the account. Tammy Frech (out going Treasurer) went over the account information. The current balance is $8,959.97, the CD gained $12 in the first quarter for a balance of $3, The group was informed about the history of the CD. The amount is what is left from 2 - $10,000 dollar CD given several years ago and has been sitting there Parents Club voted to use the remainder to go toward a WLC lifetime spot at the conference for one student each year to attend. We will look into that and give an update in June.
Budget – Tammy Frech informed everyone that the scholarship money has not yet been deducted from the $8, To get a better idea of what we have to work with we subtracted $2, The budget was based on having $6, Spring BBQ - Tami Myers motioned that we budget $250 for anything that is needed for the Spring BBQ. Seconded by Chris Baade. Ronda Hall will check with the advisors and if needed follow up with Kenny Paine about additional meat. Fall County Fair – After some discussion about bringing in food (Pizza, Chicken, Cold Cuts) VS. giving out cash to the students, Dale Frech motioned that we set aside $250 no matter what is decided, any extra funds will be left in the account to be used at a later date. Bonus Auction – was not budgeted for at this time and will be added to the agenda at the June meeting. We are waiting to see when the auction will take place. Dale Frech made the motion to table this until more information is made available to us, and Chris Baade seconded the motion. Fall Family Picnic – 2 years ago we spent $ and last year we spent between $500 and $600. Dale Frech made the motion to designate $1000 dollars again to cover any supplies/food needed. Chris Baade seconded the motion. Budget talk ended until we start doing some other fundraising and have more information about the prospective auction. 6, start balance 250. spring BBQ 6, county fair 5, , family picnic 4,759.97
Fundraising events – Poinsettia Sale – Ronda Hall will be chair over that event. Last year the Poinsettia was added onto the Meat Sale. Will see if we can’t do that again this coming year. Chili Supper / Auction – Greg and Ronda will sit down with Kim Sharp and discuss the event to get a better handle on it. Kim has done a excellent job for many, many years. Priscilla Gurulè will step up and help with that event. Chili Supper / Food – Susan Freeman has agreed to step up and coordinate that end of the evening. Chili Supper / Student involvement – Have the students assist in writing Thank You Notes to those who donated items, those who purchased items, and dignitaries that attended. New Fundraising Ideas – Car Wash - Greg suggested a car wash, everyone thought it was a simple and easy fundraiser to put together. Priscilla Gurulè agreed to be in charge of that event. Priscilla and Greg will look into locations and discuss with advisors and report back at the June meeting to set dates at acquired locations. Concessions – Possibly look into running concessions at a Sporting Clays contest. Another location mentioned was working with the Rodeo grounds and running concessions at there location one night. Donations – Ron Brown suggested that we work with the Edmond businesses in collecting donations under our 501(c)3 status, to go specifically toward a premium sale.
James Aderhold brought up the question about sponsoring a deserving student that couldn’t afford, but wanted an animal to show. Flo Gurulè and Ron Brown suggested that we look into that possibility, but there would have to be a process in which that student was chosen. Based on lots of criteria needing to be met and follow up is absolutely necessary. Chris Baade mentioned that just buying the animal is not all that would have to be paid for. Parents club will talk to advisor for their input but we would provide the animal and feed for the fall animal. The student should cover entry fees (approximately $20) per show. The students cost will depend on how many show they show at. At 8:45 Chris Baade made the motion to adjourn and Ron Brown seconded the motion. And we were out of there. Thanks again Michelle. Submitted by Ronda Hall Secretary