Fast food: is it good or bad?
bread, potatoes, meat, fish, dairy products (milk, chees), fruit, eggs; bread, potatoes, meat, fish, dairy products (milk, chees), fruit, eggs; butter, sweets, pork, ham, hamburger, sausages, cakes, ice-cream, Coca-Cola, soda. butter, sweets, pork, ham, hamburger, sausages, cakes, ice-cream, Coca-Cola, soda.
hamburger bread sausages meat fish Coca-Cola vegetables fruit cakes cakes Кукла
Does she like American fast food? What kind of products do Americans prefer? Why do unhealthy products change the face of America?
Does she like American fast food? What kind of products do Americans prefer? Why do unhealthy products change the face of America?
1. How many restaurants of fast food are there in Taganrog? 2. What people like fast food: children, teenagers or adults? 3. Do you often go to these restaurants? 4. Is it good or bad to have so many restaurants of fast food in Taganrog? 5. Does fast food influence the appearance ant the weight of people?
Why is Susan right? What should Dan do? Who could help Dan? To feel unfit – чувствовать себя нездоровым; To weight – весить; 12 stones – 12 стоунов (мера веса); Six foot one and a half inches – шесть футов, полтора дюйма; To get fit – быть здоровым.
1. Fruit and vegetables 2. Starchy food 3. Dairy products 4. Non-dairy sources of protein 1) apples 6) bananas 11) salads 16) pears 2) meat 7) milk 12) tomatoes 17) cottage cheese 3) bread 8) grapes 13) fish 18) oranges 4) beans 9) lemons 14) cucumbers 19) pasta 5) yoghurt 10) rice 15) potatoes 20) eggs
Fast food is….. (a way to gain weight, to get different health problems); As for me, I …… In conclusion I can say that……. (a lot of people- a lot of points of view)
1– Bass your meals on starchy food 2 – Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. 3 – Eat more fish. 4 – Cut down on saturated fat and sugar. 5 –Get active and try to be at a healthy weight. 6 – Try to eat less salt. 7 – Drink plenty of water. 8 – Don`t skip breakfast.