RBNB DataTurbine (Ring Buffered Network Bus ) Released under Apache 2.0 Open Source License Solution for accessing both streaming and static data, from different vendor systems, via a common interface Provides real high performance data streaming, 10Mb/sec, 1000 frames/sec on PCs Supported by NASA SBIR, 15 years in development NSF invested in supporting open-source development of the Data Turbine – SDCI project, , ~ $850K It is one of just a handful (actually, 2) comprehensive solutions for managing streaming data
Motivating Projects NEON – Ecology (you’ll see a working demo) – GLEON – Hydroecology (deployed, international) – CREON – Coral reefs (development, deploy 2007) – MoveBank – Animal tracking (newly funded, NSF) – Bridges and Civil Infrastructure – Engineering (testbed status) – NEES – Earthquake Engineering (deployed) – PRAGMA – Pacific Rim Applications and Grid Middleware Assembly (deployed) –
Integration of Heterogeneous Devices
More about the DataTurbine Can be configured to feed data to several applications, including remote servers Supports multiple types of streams: real-time monitoring, video and multimedia, telemetry, instant messages, etc. etc. Can be accessed via URLs (e.g. can stream to browser); one can also write to the server via browser Can be mapped as a network drive (e.g. as a “Web Folder” opened in IE), built-in support in Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, several other systems Has a programmer API, and a developer community..Net support available (though Java is used more often) Has direct connection with Matlab; M-files are provided with standard distribution Has several standard applications: rbnbAdmin, rbnbSource (signal generator), rbnbPlot, rbnbChat Scalable: DataTurbine servers can be interconnected to handle large streams Can manipulate the streams: fast forward or slow motion playback (TiVo- like) Secure access to DataTurbine Server, based on user credentials (under development) These are common streaming data infrastructure requirements
RBNB DataTurbine as infrastructure component Scalable, secure, programmable, versatile for different data types and vendor interfaces, developer community, with many applications written (e.g. data viewers and plug-ins) Typical scenarios: DBMS Monitoring and management apps CS loggers NI loggers Other proprietary or in-house CS loggers Loggernet
DataTurbine in GLEON
Potential to merge the approaches Writing SDL as a RBNB plug-in –Embedding in proven extensive infrastructure, no need to rewrite it to different loggers –Potential for other researchers and projects that rely on DataTurbine, to assimilate ODM GLEON, CREON, PRAGMA, NEON, others –Streaming data from different projects and disciplines into “realtime digital watershed” DEMO