Ancient Greece The Start of Democracy
Overview Ancient Greece has left the world an amazing legacy of art, architecture, poetry, drama, athletics, philosophy, and science. Most importantly, they gave us democracy, a form of government born in Athens that believed in the rights of individual people.
Geography The location, sea, landscape, climate, and soil played a critical role in the development of Ancient Greece. Surrounding countries were Italy, Illyria, Thrace Asia Minor (Turkey), and Persia (Iran)
The landscape in Greece was rocky and mountainous, which made it difficult to cultivate land. They exported wine, oil and pottery. They imported wheat, wood, etc.
The Greeks depended on the sea for trade and war. Colonies were set up close by to have good access to the Aegean Sea. They also used the sea to get salt and fish.
From Tyranny to Democracy The Minoans built the first great Greek civilization on the island of Crete in 2200 B.C.E. In 1580 B.C.E., the Myceneans settled in Pelopennese and ruled Greece for 400 years. At the end of the reign, their civilization collapsed. This period is known as the Dark Ages.
With no organization, the Greeks decided to set up small city- states (Polis). Each one had their own laws, government and money. They controlled their own villages and farms.
At first, kings ruled the city-states. King= monarchy for life and then it’s passed down to their heirs Oligarchies started to overthrow the kings Oligarchy= a few wealthy and powerful people rule Tyrants came in to overthrow kings and oligarchies Tyrants= people who take control using military force and fear
Over time, the citizens of Ancient Greece grew tired of the tyrants and oligarchies trying to take control of their land. Changes needed to be made by each city- state. Two of the most powerful city- states were Athens and Sparta. Two of the most powerful city- states were Athens and Sparta. Athens decided to make a new system of government that gave every citizen a right to vote for anything that would affect their lives. Athens decided to make a new system of government that gave every citizen a right to vote for anything that would affect their lives. Sparta focused on making the strongest army they could to fight against anyone who threatened their land.
The city-states were often allies, fighting together against other nations. Even so, the wars in Ancient Greece happened between the city-states very often. A lot of emphasis was placed on the military throughout the country.
Sparta Vs Athens
Sparta Founded in 950 B.C.E. Organized as a military camp. Ruled by military generals. Heavily outnumbered by slaves so they decided to rule by fear. Slaves did all the heavy work so the men could focus on training for war. Men could marry at 20 but could only live with their families at 30, when they left the barracks. Ordinary citizens had no power. Education started at age 7 in military training until the age of 30. Reading and writing was only taught a little bit. Girls focused on staying healthy and strong.
In Athens, things were running differently. In the 6 th century, a rich politician named Solon reformed the system. He made laws that favoured the poor to make it more equal to everyone. In 507 B.C.E., a politician named Cleisthenes ended tyranny and introduced democracy using Solon’s laws. This gave “power to the people”.
People in Greece had always thought that everything happened as a result of what the Gods wanted. People in Greece had always thought that everything happened as a result of what the Gods wanted. In Asia Minor, they started using logic and reasoning instead. These people were called philosophers and they were interested in Astronomy, Geography, Science and Math. In Asia Minor, they started using logic and reasoning instead. These people were called philosophers and they were interested in Astronomy, Geography, Science and Math. When this spread to Athens, the philosophers had a huge influence on the citizens and encouraged many to participate in politics. When this spread to Athens, the philosophers had a huge influence on the citizens and encouraged many to participate in politics. Socrates taught people good vs evil. He influenced many youth with his “know yourself” motto. Socrates taught people good vs evil. He influenced many youth with his “know yourself” motto. Plato thought the city-state should be run with three groups; The philosophers to rule fairly, the warriors to defend the city, and the suppliers to provide for others. Plato thought the city-state should be run with three groups; The philosophers to rule fairly, the warriors to defend the city, and the suppliers to provide for others.
Athens Athens had a democratic system of government where the ecclesia (all citizens voting) would meet together to make decisions. The boule ( a smaller group) met daily to decide business matters. A jury was made up of people to decide if a person was guilty or innocent of a crime. Athenians were taught to express their thoughts freely. Men took care of public affairs and women took care of the kids and homes. Athens was known for its strong army but believed in spending time doing other things besides training. Boys attended school to learn to read, write, do math and learn the arts. Girls stayed home to help prepare meals and run the house.
Unfortunately, this system of democracy was not perfect. Unfortunately, this system of democracy was not perfect. Only citizens could play a part in politics. They were men, 20 years old and over who were born to a citizen father and citizen mother. The majority of people in Athens were not citizens. Many citizens couldn’t leave their farms to come to meetings. People were dependent on slaves to do more work so they could participate in council. This gave rise to even harsher conditions for them. Many times, influential and popular people held more power, which could be a disadvantage. Athens and its allies paid a tax to pay for the military that protected against Persia and Sparta. Athens used a lot of this money to better their land instead.
It might not have been perfect but democracy in Ancient Greece worked in many ways. Over time, their system of government has influenced many nations worldwide to adopt the same idea. It is because of Ancient Greece that we in Canada have democracy. It might not have been perfect but democracy in Ancient Greece worked in many ways. Over time, their system of government has influenced many nations worldwide to adopt the same idea. It is because of Ancient Greece that we in Canada have democracy.