Lesson Plans Week 3 M. Unser English Grade 7 Plus September 15-19, 2014
Monday Warm-Up Tri Bond Challenge: What one word connects the following sets of words? Turtle, Sand, Cardboard Lily, Bachelor, Shoulder
Monday, September 15 Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call 7.1 TSW participate in and contribute to group discussions 7.4 TSW read to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words 7.6 TSW read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of nonfiction text and use reading strategies to monitor comprehension. Vocabulary (Day 1) Discussion and Worksheet Images from the two biographies Read Biographies –Harry Houdini to page 40 –Eleanor Roosevelt to page 43
Tuesday Warm-Up attach:adhesive::dissolve: A. flux B. solvent C. capstone D. mercury E. wellspring vindictive:forgiving::acquisitive: A. powerful B. faithful C. wise D. generous E. wealthy
Tuesday, September 16, 2014 Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call 7.1 TSW participate in and contribute to group discussions 7.4 TSW read to determine meaning of unfamiliar words 7.7 TSW write in a variety of forms with an emphasis on exposition, narration, and persuasion Vocabulary (Day 2) discussion and worksheet Writer’s Workshop –Fill out monitoring chart –Continue with writing from last week or respond to the daily prompt
Wednesday Warm-Up Tri Bond Challenge: What one word connects the following sets of words Legend, Lennon, Deere Howdy Doody, Guitars, Tennis Racquets
Wednesday September 17, 2014 Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call 7.1 TSW participate in and contribute to group discussions 7.4 TSW read to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words 7.6 TSW read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of nonfiction text and use reading strategies to monitor comprehension. Research Images from your group’s Biography. Bookmark at least 10 images and be ready to share them (an their significance to the life) with your classmates.
Thursday Warm-Up! behavior:ostentatious::clothing: A. impetuous B. strewn C. flamboyant D. paramount E. disarrayed (answer: C) first:originate::last: A. uphold B. withstand C. precipitate D. flout E. culminate
Thursday, September 18, 2014 Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call 7.1 TSW participate in and contribute to group discussions 7.4 TSW read to determine meaning of unfamiliar words 7.6TSW read and demonstrate comprehension of non-fictional texts Read Aloud: The Legacy of “Snowflake” Bentley (pages ) Complete Questions 3 and 4 on page 473 Visit the library to check out books
Friday Warm-Up Tri Bond Challenge: What one word connects the following sets of words Bagels, Buttons, Blue Whales Butter, Brittle, Oil
Friday, September 12, 2014 Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call 7.1 TSW participate in and contribute to group discussions 7.4 TSW read to determine meaning of unfamiliar words 7.6 TSW read and demonstrate comprehension of non fictional texts Vocabulary (Day 4) discussion and worksheet (Quiz next Wednesday!) Image Search –Library computer lab –Google Document or presentation –Find and copy image and source (10) –Write sentence explaining how it connects to your biography.