Synonyms First Grade Language Arts
1. The cow is very large. 1.Small 2.Big 3.Fun
2. The snowman is very cold. 1.Cool 2.Hot 3.Small
3. The sun is hot. 1.Tall 2.Fun 3.Warm
4. The happy girl jumped up high. 1.Warm 2.Fun 3.Glad
5. The child raised her hand. 1.Small 2.Kid 3.Big
6. She had a big smile on her face. 1.Glad 2.Happy 3.Grin
7. The boy was sad. 1.Upset 2.Frown 3.Glad
8. The race is about to start. 1.Stop 2.Begin 3.Finish
9. The car went fast on the track. 1.Slow 2.Stop 3.Quick
10. The small frog clung to the leaf. 1.Tiny 2.Big 3.Fun
11. She was tired and ready for bed. 1.Weak 2.Slow 3.Sleepy
12. He had to hop for the ball. 1.Skip 2.Jump 3.Run
13. It is good to save your money. 1.Give 2.Play 3.Keep
14. The present was from her friend. 1.Gift 2.Toy 3.Game