Tsuruga November 2008 ISOE International ALARA Symposium 1 OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE DYNAMICS IN DIFFERENT TYPES OF RUSSIAN NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS Dr. Boris BezrukovConcern Energoatom, Russia Dr. Olga BezrukovaVNIIAES, Russia Dr. Vadim Glasunov VNIIAES, Russia
Tsuruga November 2008 ISOE International ALARA Symposium 2 List of the Russian commercial reactors NPPs, 31 Units, P=23242 MW(el)
Tsuruga November 2008 ISOE International ALARA Symposium 3 Nowadays, 31 commercial reactors are totally operated in the Russian Federation - 15 VVER type reactors - 11 RBMK type reactors - 5 custom – built reactors + 4 reactors are at the stage of decommissioning
Tsuruga November 2008 ISOE International ALARA Symposium 4 All Russian plants centralized management is executed by one operating utility – Concern Energoatom (till September 2008 – Concern Rosenergoatom) Concern Energoatom is fully responsible for providing all aspects of operational safety at Russian NPPs
Tsuruga November 2008 ISOE International ALARA Symposium 5 The main task of All-Russian Research Institute for Nuclear Power Plants Operation (VNIIAES), which was established in 1979, to provide scientific and technical support in the area of NPP operation, based on the development and implementation and methods, aimed at increasing of the plants safety, reliability and economical efficiency
Tsuruga November 2008 ISOE International ALARA Symposium 6 In the Russian Federation, since 01 January 2000, effective dose 100 mSv per five successive years with the provision that it should not exceed 50 mSv in any single year was determined as the main dose limit in occupational exposure Since 1961 until 01 January 2000, the main dose limit in occupational exposure was fixed 50 mSv of annual equivalent dose in the Soviet union and later in Russia
Tsuruga November 2008 ISOE International ALARA Symposium 7 The transient period of time was specially planned for development and practical implementation of organizational and technical activities to meet the new more strict occupational radiation requirements
Tsuruga November 2008 ISOE International ALARA Symposium 8 Comparison of some occupational radiation protection indicators of Russian reactors in 1996 and 2007 Kind of indicatorReactor type Average annual individual dose of plant personnel and contractors, mSv VVER RBMK Custom-built All reactors Number of plant personnel and contractors exceeding 20 mSv individual dose, persons VVER680 RBMK8610 Custom-built370 All reactors9660 Average annual collective dose per unit, man Sv VVER RBMK Custom-built All reactors4.31.6
Tsuruga November 2008 ISOE International ALARA Symposium 9 Average annual individual doses at different types Russian reactors for the years
Tsuruga November 2008 ISOE International ALARA Symposium 10 Distribution of the number of plant personnel and contractors according to the intervals of the annual individual dose for 2007, in %
Tsuruga November 2008 ISOE International ALARA Symposium 11 Evolution of the total number of plant personnel and contractors with the annual individual dose less than 1 mSv for the years , in % from total %
Tsuruga November 2008 ISOE International ALARA Symposium 12 Number of plant personnel and contractors with the annual individual dose more than 20 mSv for the years
Tsuruga November 2008 ISOE International ALARA Symposium 13 Distribution of the number of plant personnel and contractors according to accumulated individual dose for the years
Tsuruga November 2008 ISOE International ALARA Symposium 14 Average annual collective doses per unit at different types Russian reactors for the years
Tsuruga November 2008 ISOE International ALARA Symposium 15 In the years , as a result of the implementation the considerable organizational and technical activities, the levels of occupational exposure at different type of Russian reactors were substantially decreased. Nowadays, occupational radiation protection indicators are fully correspond with the requirements of the national radiation protection regulation which is based on the ICRP Publication 60 and the IAEA BSS 115