Novem = Nine Latin November: ninth month in the calendar Novennial: nine-year period or celebration
Decem = ten Latin December: Tenth month in the old Roman calendar Decennial: Tenth anniversary or celebration
Centum = hundred Latin Cent: one hundreth of a dollar Century: a set of one hundred
Mille = thousand Latin Mile: a thousand paces Millennium: thousand- year period or anniversary
Pyro = fire Greek Pyrotechnics: fireworks Pyre: huge bonfire for burning bodies at ancient funerals (and even today in India)
Ignis = fire Latin Ignite: to set on fire Ignition: act of “firing up” or starting an engine.
Vulcanus = Vulcan-Roman god of fire Latin Volcano: A crack in the earth pouring out hot magma and hot gases Vulcanize: to treat raw rubber with heat and sulphur to make it harder and more durable
Hydros = water Greek Hydrogen: a gas which, when burned, produces water. Hydroplane: boat that glides on the surface of water.
Aqua = water Latin Aquarium: pond or tank of water where fish or water plants can live. Aquarius: a constellation called “water carrier”
Bonus = good Latin Bonus: something extra good Bon bon: beautifully decorated candy; a good “goody”
Helios = sun Greek Helium: light gas used in balloons Helios: sun god
Sol = sun Latin Solar:pertaining to the sun Solar system: the sun with the objects which revolve around it
Luna = moon Latin Lunar: of pretaining to the moon Lunatic: mad; affected by the moon
Dia = through, between, across, apart Greek Diabolical: shot through, possessed Diagonal: line between two non-adjacent corners in a figure of four or more sides.
Trans = across, over, beyond, through Latin Transport: carry across Transform: to change over to a different form.