Today I got into trouble again. I'm 12 and in my web.
I broke all our food today. Now I am grounded.
I went to school today and learned to surf the wind. I can`t go to gym anymore until I molt and Daddy longlegs teased me for not being able to surf the wind, I yelled back you can’t make a web! Gym, you don’t meat your own class!
Today at school everyone was different now that I met my class. No more school for a month. So I went to give Daddy Longlegs a piece of my mind.
Daddy longlegs was A LOT bigger than I thought he was. So I played dead. I ‘m scared of him.
Bird eating spider came over. He has 5 senses like me! And he is the biggest spider ever! I can’t wait to see him again.
Diary of a Spider by Doreen Cronin Bird Eating spiders by James E. Gerholdt