Warren Whitmore and Michael Reale 1 Maximizing Hemasphere Scheduling
Introduction 2
The Original Resource Manager 3
4 Newton’s 3 rd Law of Motion For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction If you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. Lucy and Ethel at the Chocolate Factory
Successful scheduling is a function of thoughtful calendaring. 5 Avoid the spaghetti approach in building your calendar – it’s inaccurate and messy.
6 What does the landscape look like between Recruitment and Collections? Thoughtful calendaring is a function of meaningful communication.
Exhibit A 7 Exhibit B
Discussion Points Five Elements for Successful Resource Management: Establishing Resources Drive Booking Guidelines Managing the Calendar Managing Changes Post Drive Analysis 8
Establishing Resources Daily Resource Formula How often are resource numbers updated? What communication happens between staffing and recruitment? At what intervals? Does the number of staff equal what is needed to collect the recruitment goal? How do you know? 9
Daily Resource Formula Budgeted number of collection staff (full time, part time, etc) Subtract number required for fixed sites Subtract open positions, training, attrition, call- outs, PTO*, etc (generally a percentage) Are days of the week are weighted? The result is what goes into the Daily Resource Constraint fields * Do you have a policy regarding the max number of PTOs per day? 10
Drive Booking Guidelines Who gets to book drives? In what status? What is the acceptable date range for booking? What is the process for last minute gotta-haves? How and when are big drives prioritized? How are projections determined? How and when are non-collection events scheduled? (Is the daily constraint number adjusted?) 11
Managing the Calendar Are you using a calendar manager/gate keeper? Who is the Decider-in-Chief? How are both departments involved in reviewing drives on the calendar? How far in advance are drives reviewed? What elements are assessed (DaSH, projection accuracy, staffing levels, early/late drives, etc)? How are “holds” managed? 12
Managing Changes 13 What kind of changes are managing you? Internal versus External How are changes communicated? When? How close to the drive can a change be made? For what reasons? How are drives chosen if cancellations are required? How are Hemasphere Change Reports used in the process?
Post Drive Analysis What is your definition of a “successful” drive? (Units Collected, DaSH, Projection Accuracy, Donor Flow, Donor Comments, etc.) Could anyone in your organization provide the definition? Who is accountable for a successful drive? How are they held accountable? How is it determined which drives should not be booked again? The dirtiest word… How are accounts and drive templates updated with the captured information? 14
Conclusions Work together to set the rules Ensure the success of the other department Communicate the rules Every team member should know the definition of success Enforce the rules Hold both Recruitment and Collections accountable for results Exceptions are exactly that, exceptions Review the rules regularly There is no “Set It and Forget It” in blood bank operations Manage the 20% not the 80% 15