Definition, History and Epidemiology: Main points Heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorder Gender ratio Areas of difficulty: social cognition and social perception, executive dysfunction, and atypical perceptual and information processing Major subgroups at present Key symptoms surrounding social interaction, communication, repetitive behaviour and sensory difficulties Key milestones in the history of ASD Current classification and change from DSM -4 to DSM-5 Prevalence of ASD in the population Examples of risk and protective factors Issues of comorbitity
Genetics: Main points Heritability and concordance rates Overview on how genes may contribute to ASD
Heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorder Gender ratio Areas of difficulty: social cognition and social perception, executive dysfunction, and atypical perceptual and information processing Major subgroups at present Key symptoms surrounding social interaction, communication, repetitive behaviour and sensory difficulties Key milestones in the history of ASD Current classification and change from DSM -4 to DSM-5 Prevalence of ASD in the population Examples of risk and protective factors Issues of comorbitity
Definition, History and Epidemiology: Main points Heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorder Gender ratio Areas of difficulty: social cognition and social perception, executive dysfunction, and atypical perceptual and information processing Major subgroups at present Key symptoms surrounding social interaction, communication, repetitive behaviour and sensory difficulties Key milestones in the history of ASD Current classification and change from DSM -4 to DSM-5 Prevalence of ASD in the population Examples of risk and protective factors Issues of comorbitity
Definition, History and Epidemiology: Main points Heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorder Gender ratio Areas of difficulty: social cognition and social perception, executive dysfunction, and atypical perceptual and information processing Major subgroups at present Key symptoms surrounding social interaction, communication, repetitive behaviour and sensory difficulties Key milestones in the history of ASD Current classification and change from DSM -4 to DSM-5 Prevalence of ASD in the population Examples of risk and protective factors Issues of comorbitity