Assignment One English 1102 Mariah McKee
Day One… 2/4/13 2:00 p.m. We are observing the bottom floor of the union and the people that are sitting around the edge of the second floor. In the bottom floor of the union there are many chairs and small tables sitting around so people can come and sit to hang out or work on homework and study. There is a set of stairs that divides up the union in two halves that leads to Crown. There is a father and his little boy sitting in chairs and the little boy is crying Some are studying
Continued.. People are on their phones and computers There are people that are in groups and some that are by themselves working 2:10 – A couple of people are getting money out of the ATMs People are passing through constantly Some stop and ask questions at the information desk There is noise but it is not extremely loud. The only noise is people talking to others. People are eating and hanging out with friends
Day Two… 2/5/13 12:00 p.m. The chancellor of the school is giving a speech. He allowed people to ask him questions and would answer them. There is both faculty and students list- ening to him. There is a table set up with wraps and drinks for anyone that wants something to eat or drink.
Continued.. The type of actors also changed a little bit. There were more adults and faculty members than usual because they were listening to him speak. There are still some people that have their laptops out doing work There is more noise than yesterday because of the speakers.
Day Three… 2/6/13 5:00 p.m. There were not as many people and most were just hanging out or eating. There were still some that were studying The noise level was normal. Basically the only noise was people talking and hanging out.
Interview At around 5:20 we interviewed a girl named Jaleah. What is your purpose for going to the student union? - I go to the student union for food, to socialize with friends, and sometimes to catch a movie in the movie theater. What items do you bring with you to the union? - I always bring my student ID so I can get food or see a movie. I also bring my cell phone, and sometimes my purse or book bag; depending on what time I come. What kind of behavior do you have in the union? - My behavior is normally fun or comical, but not too loud or distracting. Who do you go to the union with? - I typically go to the union with some of my teammates or classmates.
Figured World, Artifacts, and Actors Artifacts and Ideas Book bags, computers, phones, books, notebooks, food People come here to hang with friends, get food, maybe see a movie or go to the bookstore. Figured World The first floor of the union and people sitting in chairs around the side of the second floor. Actors Students doing homework or studying, students hanging with friends, people eating, faculty, employees, club members, sports teams.
The figured world that my group and I will be observing is the student union. There is never a time when the union is not busy or full of people. There are many activities and different things that go on in the student union. A couple of reasons why people go to the union is to hangout with friends, some study and work on homework, there is a Starbucks, Outtakes, a movie theater, a place to play pool and a few places to get food. Also, CAB uses the union for a place to do activities and different things for the students of UNCC. For example, one day they had their table set up in the middle of the union and students could get in line to get a personalized street sign with whatever name they wanted on it. Most nights, there is a group of boys that plays their music and hip-hop dances in one of the corners. There are also guest speakers that set up and speak in the union like the chancellor. There are a few rules for the union. For example, it is not appropriate to scream, fight, or do anything that you would not do inside of a public place. It is a place for people to gather to get work done and to hangout so the level of noise changes throughout the day. During the morning and most of the afternoon it is not extremely loud but sometimes at night they may have karaoke and there are more people playing pool. The more the people, the more noise there is. There can be many different discourse communities found in the union; people who go to get work done, people who go to socialize, or people who go to get food. Some artifacts that you would find in the student union would be books, book bags, notebooks, food, computers, cell phones, and etc. Many times sororities and fraternities have different events going on in the union also. They set up different tables and sometimes sell cookies and baked goods to raise money for different things. Overall, the union is a very common place for people to gather to get work done and to socialize. Summary