W o r d A r t
IT CAN BE EMOTIONAL IT CAN BE POWERFUL IT CAN CHANGE THE WAY YOU SEE Language can be interesting. Doesn’t have to be legible Doesn’t have to be black and white Doesn’t have to be left to right
Just think about some of your favorite songs and how they make you feel
AxixTKkmt2Q&feature=related AxixTKkmt2Q&feature=related Shaun of the Dead typography
v=eKKDL6lekmA&feature=fvsr v=eKKDL6lekmA&feature=fvsr PBS Off Book Typography
Lesson Outline Objective: Learn the Illustrator Pathfinder tools as well as utilize prior knowledge of graphic technology. Demonstrate use of visual aesthetics and composition using abstract text. Make connections between language, persuasion, and visual representation. SOLS Intro: * Label a sketchbook page “Song Lyric” for planning and questions. Use this page to keep track of internet resources and ideas to remember (R&I) Students remind class of constraining proportion, arranging shape layers, and using the control palette. (Ct&PS) Teacher demonstrates 2 new pathfinder tools. Checks for understanding Students must copy the teacher sample plus create their own sample b4 moving on. (C&C)
Lesson Outline Cont’d Guided Practice: Students complete the 3 worksheets on the website. Can personalize their image, but must be accurate. Use for further reference panel/ panel/ (C&I, Ct&PS) Save and drop into Virtual Share for grading on accuracy and completion Reflect – discussion about why you’d use the different tools. Student with stellar work demonstrate uses for the class and answer questions. Project: (Ct&Ps, C&C, C&I) * sample images. Discuss text as emotional power, not just type on a page Demonstrate briefly, the pathfinder tools applied to text>create outlines Students find a song lyric of appx words, copy down in their sketchbook including the song title and artist Brainstorm the mood of the song, adjectives, the key emotional words, colors and lines that could visually demonstrate this Follow the guidelines to create art. Group critique of art Students load jpeg on Edmodo and discuss their work virtually
12 (at least 2 stroke/fill colors)