Evidence can be collected due to its relationship to a A. Suspect B. Victim C. Witness D. All of the above
OBJECTIVE: Examine physical evidence and its uses in a court of law. 1. Question of the Day 2. Chapter 2 TESTS If you need to take the test, do so now. 3. Introduce Chapter 3: Physical Evidence 4. Homework and Review
Laws that set time limits on how long you have to file a "civil" lawsuit, like a personal injury lawsuit, or how long the state has to prosecute someone for committing a crime. Time limits usually depend on the legal claim or crime involved in the case. Vary from state to state
CIVIL Assault/Battery 2 YEARS False Imprisonment 2 YEARS Personal Injury 2 Years CRIMINAL Assault 1 or 5 Years Rape NO TIME LIMIT Manslaughter/ Murder NO TIME LIMIT Kidnapping 5 years
Time does not start to run until the State is in possession of both the physical evidence and the DNA or fingerprint evidence necessary to establish the identification of the actor by means of comparison to the physical evidence. What does this statement mean?
Every crime scene needs to be treated on an individual basis. Certain types of evidence are likely to yield significant results in ascertaining the nature and circumstances of a crime. Responsibility of the investigator to be familiar with Recognition, collection, and analysis of items Laboratory procedures and capabilities
Evidence can be overlooked. Collected evidence can be left on the evidence room shelf. Never examined or processed. Regulations apply to the admissibility of evidence. Generally begins at time/date a crime has been reported Official police inquiry/investigation
Any objects that can establish a crime has been committed. Evidence can provide a link between a crime, the victim, and the perpetrator.
Biological evidence was collected from a crime scene. It places the suspect at the scene of the crime where a murder had taken place. Under cross examination, the forensic specialist who had collected the sample admits that he may not have followed the correct procedures to collect the evidence. The crime lab technician testifies under oath that the results of analytical testing of the evidence is 100% accurate. Predict the outcome of the trial. Justify your answer.
The evidence will be removed from the trial as per a judge’s ruling. The jury will be instructed to disregard this evidence. Provide an example of the technician not following the proper procedures when collecting evidence. Think like the DEFENSE! What other problems might this create for the prosecution?
Contamination and destruction of evidence can occur due to A. the mishandling of a body by law enforcement personnel B. leaving a body exposed to environmental conditions C. failure to perform a thorough autopsy D. improper labeling of evidence bags
OBJECTIVE: Explain the value in the proper collection, processing, and examination of evidence as used in a court of law. 1. Chapter 2 TESTS 2. Types of Physical Evidence 3. Case Study 4. Review and Homework CASE STUDY QUESTIONS Project Deadline 1
Explosives – any device containing an explosive charge Includes any object at or removed from the scene of an explosion Suspected to contain residue from an explosion or use as a detonation device Fibers – any natural or synthetic fiber whose transfer may be useful in establishing a relationship between object or persons Cotton, silk, nylon, spandex, kevlar, as well as glass and metallic fibers Fingerprints – all prints of this nature both visible and latent
Firearms and Ammunition – any firearm as well as discharged or intact ammunition suspected of being involved in a criminal offense Spent casings and recovered bullets or “slugs” Glass – any particle or fragment that may have been transferred to a person or object involved in a crime. Includes windows/panes of glass containing holes made by bullets or other projectiles Hair – any animal or human hair present that can link a person to a crime
Blood, semen, and saliva – can be dried or in a liquid state, human or animal. Subjected to biochemical and serological analysis to determine identity and possible origin Documents – any handwriting or typewriting submitted to confirm the authenticity or source Paper, ink, processed Drugs – any substance seized in violation of laws regulating the sale, distribution, manufacture, and use of drugs
Impressions – tire markings, shoes prints, depressions in soft soil/sand, and all other forms of tracts. Gloves, fabric impressions, and bite marks in skin, foodstuffs, and other objects. Organs and physiological fluids – tested drugs and poisons as well as blood to be analyzed for alcohol/drug content. Urine, vomit, bile Paint – any liquid or dried paint that may have been transferred from one object to another during the act of a crime Transfer of paint from one vehicle to another in a car accident
Petroleum products – any product removed from a suspect or recovered from a crime scene. Gasoline residues or grease and oil stains Plastic bags – polyethylene disposable bags such as garbage or shopping bags. Examined/chemically analyzed to associate a bag to similar bags at a crime scene or possessed by a suspect. Plastic, rubber, polymers – remnants or residues of man-made materials may be linked to objects relevant to a crime scene or suspect.
Powder residues – any item suspected of containing firearm powder residues. Serial numbers – stolen property submitted for the restoration of damaged/erased ID numbers Soil and minerals – any object that could link a person to a particular location Tool marks – impression marks found in an object caused by a “tool”.
Vehicle Lights – examination of a vehicle’s headlights and taillights to determine their use at the time of an accident/impact. Wood and other vegetative matter – wood, sawdust, or vegetative matter discovered on clothing, shoes, or tools that could link a suspect to a crime location.
Your assignment… DUE DATE: Tuesday 12/8 Write an investigative report on the recent unrest stemming from police shootings around the country. Include facts and details of the incident/s Consider the actions of the suspects and the police and evidence. Impact of shootings on the public’s perception of law enforcement. How have the outcomes of the trials affected people and our way of life?
Which of the following is not the responsibility of an investigator when collecting evidence? A. Collection of evidence from a crime scene B. Interpretation of criminal law as related to a trial C. Knowledge of analytical techniques for the purpose of processing evidence D. Limitations of forensics special services
This also opens the door for the defense to question other pieces of evidence in the trial and may place doubt in the minds of the jurors as to the scientific credibility of the prosecution’s case. There is a strong possibility that the suspect would be found not guilty of the most serious charges.
The statute of limitations in New Jersey involving violent crimes is dependent upon which of the following… A. the age of the victim B. the specific crime a suspect has been charged with C. the type of evidence available D. the arrest record of the suspect
Investigator must be able to Make logical decisions Process the uncommon and unexpected Qualified evidence collectors must also be able to make innovative and on-the-spot decisions at the crime scene. Standardized set of procedures In the best interest of the investigation Always within the clear definitions of the law
1. Physical – A physical object or something residing on a physical object. 2. Personal – A description or account of what has been seen or heard. 3. Circumstantial – Evidence that requires an inference (conclusion based on evidence). Indirect evidence that implies something has occurred Does not prove it Leads to/connects other facts/circumstances together
Prepare a scenario to give an example of circumstantial evidence. Write it down. You will be volunteered to share your examples.
Woman accused of embezzling money from her company. Makes big ticket purchases in cash around the time the money was taken. A man is accused of stealing valuables from a house. His wallet and license are found on the front lawn of the house. Does not prove the robbery but could be implied because there is no other logical explanation as to why the man’s ID is at the crime scene.
Identify or compare the evidence. Identification – process of determining an object/substance’s physical or chemical identity. Near absolute certainty as analytical techniques permit Requires testing procedures Sufficient tests to exclude all other possibilities Problems – each type of evidence requires different tests Each test has a degree of specificity 1 test versus 5 tests to ensure accuracy
COMPLETE QUESTIONS DUE MONDAY DEC 7 Your answers should be descriptive, detailed, and supported with evidence.
casey-anthony-trial-defense-claims-caylee- anthony-drowned/story?id= casey-anthony-trial-defense-claims-caylee- anthony-drowned/story?id= casey-anthony-trial-defense-claims-caylee- anthony-drowned/story?id= casey-anthony-trial-defense-claims-caylee- anthony-drowned/story?id=
orida.casey.anthony.trial/ orida.casey.anthony.trial/ Evidence at Anthony Home
OBJECTIVE: Explain the value in the proper collection, processing, and examination of evidence as used in a court of law. HOMEWORK DUE 1. Descriptions of Evidence 2. Continue Case Study 3. Review and Homework
The Role of the Forensic Scientist 1. Determine criteria for positive identification 2. Relies on experience and education 3. Conclusion will have to be validated beyond any reasonable doubt in a court of law
Collected specimen and control specimens Both evaluated under same set of tests and examinations Must be scientifically accepted and proved techniques Determine if they have a common origin Consider chemical composition Produces highest degree of Probability
Individual Associated with a common source and high degree of probability. Fingerprints Class Associated with a group and a low degree of probability. Difficult to determine exact source of evidence. Blood types, carpet fibers
Inceptive At the start of investigation Evidence to establish the need for an investigation A search for a perpetrator Corroborative At the end of an investigation Evidence used to prove or disprove Generally, the key piece of evidence to link a suspect to a crime
Family’s home computer — with Casey Anthony’s password — used to Google search for “fool-proof suffication” on June 16, Google automatically corrected the misspelled “suffication” and linked pages describing ways to die by poisoning and suffocation.
Anthony’s daughter Caylee was last seen on June 16, 2008 before her body was found on Dec. 11, A jury acquitted Casey Anthony of murder on July 5, Trial prosecutor Jeff Ashton said proof of the web search could have been a crucial weapon. The defense had claimed Caylee accidentally drowned and Casey Anthony’s dad George Anthony ditched the body. Defense attorney Jose Baez already has a rebuttal ready if the computer search was brought to trial. Would have argued that George Anthony was trying to search for ways to commit suicide.
casey-anthony-trial-defense-claims-caylee- anthony-drowned/story?id= casey-anthony-trial-defense-claims-caylee- anthony-drowned/story?id= casey-anthony-trial-defense-claims-caylee- anthony-drowned/story?id= casey-anthony-trial-defense-claims-caylee- anthony-drowned/story?id=
orida.casey.anthony.trial/ orida.casey.anthony.trial/ Evidence at Anthony Home
Define each of the following and provide an example of each one. 1. Class evidence 2. Personal evidence 3. Circumstantial evidence 4. Corroborative evidence 5. Individual evidence
OBJECTIVE: Explain the value in the proper collection, processing, and examination of evidence as used in a court of law. HOMEWORK DUE 1. PHYSICAL EVIDENCE LAB 2. Test Review 3. CHAPTER 3 TEST STUDY GUIDE AND NOTES on Webpage
OBJECTIVE: Explain the value in the proper collection, processing, and examination of evidence as used in a court of law. 1. PHYSICAL EVIDENCE LAB DUE WED DEC 16 2. CHAPTER 3 TEST
Prepare a scenario to give an example of circumstantial evidence. Write it down. You will be volunteered to share your examples.
Woman accused of embezzling money from her company. Makes big ticket purchases in cash around the time the money was taken. A man is accused of stealing valuables from a house. His wallet and license are found on the front lawn of the house. Does not prove the robbery but could be implied because there is no other logical explanation as to why the man’s ID is at the crime scene.
Family’s home computer — with Casey Anthony’s password — used to Google search for “fool-proof suffication” on June 16, Google automatically corrected the misspelled “suffication” and linked pages describing ways to die by poisoning and suffocation.
Anthony’s daughter Caylee was last seen on June 16, 2008 before her body was found on Dec. 11, A jury acquitted Casey Anthony of murder on July 5, Trial prosecutor Jeff Ashton said proof of the web search could have been a crucial weapon. The defense had claimed Caylee accidentally drowned and Casey Anthony’s dad George Anthony ditched the body. Defense attorney Jose Baez already has a rebuttal ready if the computer search was brought to trial. Would have argued that George Anthony was trying to search for ways to commit suicide.
casey-anthony-trial-defense-claims-caylee- anthony-drowned/story?id= casey-anthony-trial-defense-claims-caylee- anthony-drowned/story?id= casey-anthony-trial-defense-claims-caylee- anthony-drowned/story?id= casey-anthony-trial-defense-claims-caylee- anthony-drowned/story?id=
Watch the following video clip. Pay close attention to the piece of evidence in question. Record key details/evidence in the case. Be prepared to discuss/share with class. JuHY JuHY
Identification – process of determining an object/substance’s physical or chemical identity. Near absolute certainty Using analytical techniques Problems – each type of evidence requires different tests Each test has a degree of specificity 1 test versus 5 tests to ensure accuracy
How would you process an unknown piece of evidence to positively determine its identity? You work as a forensics lab technician at the State Police Headquarters. You are given a type of “street” drug and asked to determine what it is. What steps would you take? Write these steps down in your notebook.
Objective: Compare and contrast characterisitcs of evidence and their value in a court of law. 1. Question of the Day 2. Finish Chapter 3 Notes 3. Chapter 3 Test – NEXT WEEK 4. Chapter 3 Test – NEXT WEEK Friday Jan 23?
Paul Walker’s autopsy revealed his body was found in a “pugilistic stance”. It may show that he was attempting to brace himself for the impact of the crash. What else might this stance reveal?
When a body is exposed to intense fire/heat, the body will take on a “pugilistic stance”. Autopsy results also reveal that Mr. Walker was burned so severely that dental records were required for official identification. His tissues and organs were too badly damaged to be eligible for donation.
Forensics in the Casey Anthony Investigation criminal-justice/real-csi/casey-anthony-trial- lawyers-speak-out-about-the-cases- controversial-forensics/ criminal-justice/real-csi/casey-anthony-trial- lawyers-speak-out-about-the-cases- controversial-forensics/