Trent Hemann Bunde Walker James Yost
Industry involvement ◦ Internet Industry Search Engine Online Advertising ◦ Software Industry ◦ Electronic Industry
9% of U.S advertising spending 16% increase in 2010 Continue to grow as technology becomes more efficient
Year developed 10 new language versions ◦ Eliminated language barriers ◦ Expanded customer base greatly One year later- over 26 total language versions
Yahoo (2000) ◦ Agreed to be default search provider ◦ 10,000 searches/day before partnership ◦ 500,000 searches/day after partnership AOL (2002) ◦ Had 34 million customer ◦ Leader in e-commerce, web brands and internet technologies
Urchin Software Corporation (2005) ◦ Used by owners of websites ◦ Helps understand users’ experience ◦ Tracks marketing performance Milestone for Google’s online advertising ◦ Became leading online advertiser in Industry
Yahoo ◦ Offers news, search, messenger and ◦ Created rich content Allowed users to stream music/videos straight from website ◦ Offers travel applications
Apple ◦ Safari vs Google Chrome ◦ iTunes vs My Space and Pandora ◦ iPhone vs Android
AdWord ◦ Helps website owners measure amount of activity ◦ Gives feedback on owner’s ad Shows if click leads directly to purchase or signup ◦ Helps owner see strong/weak selling points ◦ Strong selling point of Google for customers
AdSense ◦ Enables ads on customers website ◦ Ads relevant to website content ◦ Creates revenue on a “per-click” basis ◦ Generated over $2.04 billion in 1 st qt 2010
Google’s mission is to organize the world‘s information and make it universally accessible and useful. It’s best to do one thing really, really well. You can make money without doing evil. Great just isn’t good enough.
Strengths ◦ Brand name,Search, Employees, Innovation Weaknesses ◦ Lack of Integration of products Opportunities ◦ Google TV, Android Threats ◦ Bing/Baidu, Apple/Blackberry/Microsoft
Search Ads Android Google TV YouTube Site search Chrome
No ads on the normal Google search AdWords ◦ Advertisers use to advertise on the side of Google page with key words AdSense ◦ Delivers ads from AdWord program to partner websites
Mobile and Tablet OS Offered free to manufacturers Only free OS for smartphones and tablets Android Market
Blue Ocean Strategy Includes Google search, Chrome, Android, Apps, Flash, and other Google products Help integrate Google products
More Cash than Current Liabilities Rely on equity rather than Liabilities Always looking for strategic acquisitions
The right people on the bus 20,000 Employees We love our employees, and we want them to know it $1,000 Bonus and 10% Raise 20% of Time for Employees
Weaknesses that need to be corrected Threats that need to be ignored or addressed Opportunities that need to be taken advantage of Continuing Strengths
Advertise Google products on search site. Low Cost Maintains simplicity Pull down menu ◦ Choose what you use the most Implementation
Orkut ◦ Developed by Orkut Büyükkökten ◦ Brazilians account for 54% of total users In 2008, fully managed and operated by Google Brazil Have branches in U.S. and U.K. Implementation
High Levels of competition ◦ search, e-commerce, advertising, etc. Exchange Rate Fluctuations ◦ 53% of Revenue comes from international operations Security Issues ◦ Access to private information
New Products and Services ◦ Google TV Strategic Acquisitions ◦ AdMob Growing mobile advertising market Promising future for Android Smartphone ◦ Passed iPhone in U.S. consumer sales
Brand Image ◦ Global Strong Infrastructure Base ◦ Core of all products ◦ Websites that create advertising opportunities 67% of 2009 Revenue ◦ Home Grown Software