Next Door Organics ( Next Door Organics ( LIS : Comparative Analysis: Meghan Constantinou, Barbara Douglass, Susan Fisher, Cari McIntyre, Ka Siu. BK FarmyardsNext Door Organics URL S: The URL is clear, logical and intuitive because it is the same as the organization’s (BK Farmyards) name. It is human-readable. O: The URL is very clear and matches their site title. Users can easily remember the site location W: The term "BK" might not be known to all as Brooklyn. It could mean Burger King or other things. T: The URL is written out and does not include acronyms. The clear url allows unfamiliar users to locate the site easily. Home Page Design S: The font is nice and visually pleasing to the eye; the graphics are big, and the images draw in your eye and call attention to themselves. O: The labels on the tab are not intuitive to users who are unfamiliar with the farming culture which makes them unclear. The interactive tabs are also a bit confusing and not as user friends. W: inconsistency in image quality, color, fonts, symmetry; main navigation is at bottom; no priority to labeling; relevance is not hierarchical; labels size is meaningless; random choice of labels; main right label navigates away from site-- not clear link destination; need more relevant info; not clear link destinations in general T: The template design of the homepage is very clear and well designed. The colors are soft and coordinated, but are also functional. You can easily distinguish between links and text and images. Home Page Content PageInterior Page
2 Interior Page Design S: Logo and color schemes match the homepage. The blog format gives it a more manageable look and feel. The content of most of the images coordinates and is related to the corresponding text content. O: The interactive features do not work properly. The map on "grow" automatically changes with the mouse even when the user does not select it. The different size fonts seem to be inconsistent and makes it hard to focus on what its the title and what is the content. W: IP opens as another tab/window, indicating to users that they are no longer on the BK Farmyards site. There is no organization as to how the information is arranged. Inconsistent labeling and design. Multiple pages on identical or similar content (Example: 'About Us' : and farmyards.html - these two pages are functioning as two separate sub-sites with huge overlaps in information.) Links are not linked properly (Example: 'farmyards' is linked to Doesn't say when it was last updated. T: The template on the interior design pages are also very clear and well thought out. The language is easily readable and can be understood to an outside user. The user is also able define each page and locate the next action steps. Search Functionality S: There is no search functionality whatsoever. O: No search functionality on main sight, just on the blog. W: Search box in upper left, not labeled 'search'. No advanced search option. Can only search blog posts, not full content. On the search does not work. On there is no search option. T: Since the interior pages and links throughout the site are so clear, it seems the eliminate the need for a search capability. Features Offered S: There are several features offered, including Subscribe to newsletter, a donate option via PayPal, connecting via online network (like Facebook on the blog site), a Google calendar for events on the blog site, and a map of Urban Farm Network under the BK Farmyards left hand vertical navigation. O: There are several Interactive features through the site including maps in "grow", sign up forms and payment options. W: The Donate Here link on the blog site links back to the home page instead of directly to the PayPal donation page. The Subscribe To Our Newsletter option on the home page is fairly simple to use, but on the Newsletter is posted, whereas on the blog you need to click on Join our Mailing List. T: No calendar for events, no events mentioned at all. The sign up forms are also standardized for volunteer, intern and farm organizer even through they have very different roles. Next Door Organics ( Next Door Organics ( BK FarmyardsNext Door Organics
3 Next Door Organics ( Next Door Organics ( Navigation S: There is a variety of content navigation options offering multiple pathways of getting to the same place. O: The global navigation is very basic and the labels are not very intuitive to unfamiliar users. There is no local navigation present. W: Overlap in content between primary horizontal nav and vertical secondary nav (e.g. Apprenticeships/Volunteer Opportunities). Unclear relationship between primary and secondary. The homepage navigations are poorly located, labels are not clear and most are linked to external sites. On the blog site, the navigations are both listed on top tabs and left side menu. On the the navigations are on the side menu. Use of abbreviation, CSA. Labels not clear. T: lots of contextual navigation with links in the context that are easily identified in green color. Interaction Design S: There is very limited interaction design, if any. O:Interactive features are very rough and hard to use. The home page interactive features only change when you hover over the section, they should also change with you hover over the tab, otherwise you do not know they are connected. The Google maps don't seem to have a real function besides pointing to a farm. W: Interaction is all over the place, easily confusing users. Some links on right side (e.g. Join our mailing list) look like they should be clickable but aren't. T: The home page interactive navigation is a unique way to tell more about each tab without the typical hover funtion. Maps in "grow" are also a great way to show context of the farms in the area. Visual Design S: The content of the images on the site correspond with and are relevant to the content themes of the site. O: The visuals are clear and coordinated to the site. However, they are all of similar plants and are not engaging to the user. W: Visuals are all over the place and in varied formats, which add to the site’s disorganization. Different colors between headings and clickable subheadings on the left menu would help. Clunky design overall, non-linear text, no consistent color palette, flawed formatting. T : Visuals match the theme of the site (color and context) the layout is very clean and intuitive to unfamiliar users. Social Networking S: Utilizes social media by placing social media icons on the pages in order to promote the organization. O: The site does not take advantage of all social networking sites, not linked to twitter or four square. W: The social media links are buried on the pages and thus get lost in the disorganization. T: Facebook link easily identified on homepage BK FarmyardsNext Door Organics