Welcome to Back to School Night Ms. Ditta's 6th Grade Science
Class Format Class is one hour in length. During the period, instruction will include: Hands-on discovery through experimentation using scientific methodologies Related readings, written assignments, and authentic tasks Technology integration to enhance learning Cooperative and collaborative experiences Inquiry-driven dialogue exchanges Note taking and lecture
6 th Grade Science Curriculum SCIENCE PROCESS Scientific Method Models & Designs* LIFE Environments* Microbiology Biomes/Ecology EARTH Solar Energy* Comets Weather & Water* PHYSICAL (elements of Solar and Weather) * Indicates FOSS program
Policies and Procedures EXPECTATIONS Grade level expectations were outlined in the contract sent home Week #1. HOMEWORK Homework is to reinforce class instruction. If there is homework, it will be listed on my webpage. Please check the teacher webpages DAILY! If homework is being reviewed or graded the next day in class, missing assignments will not receive late credit and will earn a 0%. For all assignments other than homework, 10 points will be deducted per day if an assignment is late, up to 5 days late. TESTS/QUIZZES Advanced notice is given for tests and quizzes. Study guides are usually provided and are often linked on homework page.
(cont’d) Policies and Procedures ABSENCES/EXTRAS Students are responsible making up all missed assignments. (1 day per each day absent) Extra help is available at recess, IDE, and afterschool by appointment. COMMUNICATION Warning notices will be sent mid-marking period for students in danger of failing Grades may be viewed live online during the year Communication Folders will be utilized in 6 th grade.
Grading Tests= 45% Quizzes= 25% Classwork= 15% Homework= 10% Preparation= 5% (# of days prepared /# days in quarter) X100%
Other 6 th Grade Info TRIPS/EVENTS: Buehler Space and Science Center End of the Year- Jeff Lakes Camp FOOD: The science classroom is an allergy classroom.
Contact Information Any conference must be scheduled in advance and include all members of the 6 th grade team. (6 th grade policy) ***PLEASE ME WITH SUBJECT “SCIENCE” TO GET ON MY LIST.***
Thank you for visiting this evening! And, thank you in advance for your support this year! ~ Ms. Ditta