What is Globaloria? Globaloria is a class where you create a game and post it on the internet. The first thing that you have to do is set up a Gmail, then a wiki and a blog. The game is a long process but by the end of the school year, your game will almost or might be complete.
Your Gmail Gmail is a Google generated mail system that allows you to send, receive and chat with your friends. You will need it because the teachers and the principals will just talk back and forth to you and tell you what is wrong and what you need to fix.
Your Wiki Your wiki is an important part of this Globaloria class because you need it to keep a log on what you do and it has a lot of helpful resources that you will need to successfully complete your game. You will also post you progress and your game scenes on this page along with the “My Projects” and the “My Social Profile Page” too. Here is an example of a wiki.
Your Blog A blog is a website you create posts on and talk about your game and progress. Your friends can also get on and comment on. As far as the wiki and the Gmail goes, it is not that helpful but it is a part of your many grades in this class.
Flash Flash is the place where you create your game. This is where you add the actions