6 th Grade Chapter 1 Lesson 3 Making Responsible Decisions
Many of the choices you make affect your health. Name 3 choices you made today that will affect your physical, mental emotional or family social health.
How to make responsible decisions Benefits of making responsible decisions include: Avoiding injury Avoiding illness Improving your self-esteem Making a responsible decisions show what you value most in life. Making it a priority means it deserves first attention.
Making Responsible Decisions Situation: You have been invited to a party where alcohol will be served. What would you do? Steps to take: 1.Identify your choices. List possible Decisions. 2.Evaluate each choice Is it healthful? Safe? Legal? Respect myself and others? Follow my parents guidelines? Demonstrate good character?
3.Tell what the responsible decision is. Talk it over with a parent or trusted adult. 4.Evaluate your decision. Did you get the results You wanted?
At lunch, Freddie is talking with his friends and starts talking about making fun of Ben. Freddie then starts to yell across his table about how ugly Ben’s clothes are and what a geek he is. What should you do? Final Decision: Brainstorm Solutions:
Question yes/no Reason Healthy – Safe – Legal -
Question yes/no Reason Respect – Responsible – Good Character -