What kind of microorganisms live in this lake?
We should know about the members of ; KINGDOM PROTISTA
LET’S MEET PROTISTS... They are unicellular & very simple multicellular organisms. All are eukaryotes. Because they have distinct membrane enclosed nuclei & organels... They live in places e.g. fresh water ponds, streams, sea and the soil. Some parasitic forms live within bodies of other organisms They may reproduce sexually or asexually.
HOW DO THEY MOVE ? Many protists have a special structure to move; # Flagella.................kamçı # Cilia......................sil # False feet..............yalancı ayak # Some non-motile...hareketsiz
HOW DO THEY GET THEİR FOOD? # Ways of obtaining food are so different Some are autotrophs & produce their own food........ [ EUGLENA / ALGAE ] Some are heterotrophs... [AMOEBA, PARAMECIUM, SLIME MOLD] 3. Some are parasites.
TYPES OF PROTISTA ANIMAL- LIKE PROTISTS : # Amoebas.............kökayaklılar # Flagellates...........kamçılılar # Ciliates................silliler # Sporozoans.........sporlular PLANT - LIKE PROTISTS; ALGAE FUNGUS – LIKE PROTISTS; (Slime molds & water molds)
are present. Ameobas divide into 2 new cells by binary fussion. 1. ANIMAL – LIKE PROTISTS a. AMOEBAS amoeba The extention of the cell membrane and cytoplasm is known as pseudopodium. (false feet). This helps them move and capture food. Contractile & food vacuole are present. Ameobas divide into 2 new cells by binary fussion.
b. FLAGELLATES (euglena) They live in fresh water ponds. They have flagella to move. As euglena has chloroplast, it is autotrophic. They have food & contractile vacuole. They are divided into 2 new cells by binary fission.
c. CILIATES; (paramecium) Ciliates have small hairlike projections called cilia for moving. Food vacuole forms around the incoming food.After food is digested, wastes are sent into the water. They are unique in having 2 types of nuclei; # single macronucleus for everyday activities # micronucleus for sexual reproduction
d. SPOROZOANS; They are non–motile. They reproduce by spores. They’re parasitic.Plasmodium cause malaria.NO contractile vacuole