Key Stage 3 National Strategy Aims of session To develop greater consistency in teacher assessment of ICT. To develop a common understanding about National Curriculum levels and progression in ICT To highlight materials from the QCA exemplification site for use as a ‘yardstick’ for summative assessment
Key Stage 3 National Strategy The developing National Curriculum for ICT 1.Finding things out 2. Developing ideas and making things happen 3. Exchanging and sharing 4.Refining and modifying work as it progresses 5. Breadth of study This section describes the range of contexts, activities and experiences through which Themes 1-4 should be taught.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy Standards in ICT Level Descriptions Level descriptions provide the basis for making judgements about pupils' performance at the end of key stages 1, 2 and 3. They describe the type and range of performance that pupils working at that level should characteristically demonstrate. National expectations and proposed targets The majority of pupils in key stage 3 are expected to work at levels 3 -7 and attain level 5/6 at the end of the key stage % of pupils attain Level 5 or above % of pupils to attain Level 5 or above % of pupils to attain Level 5 or above
Key Stage 3 National Strategy Standards in ICT The QCA exemplification of standards website The exemplification of standards website shows what the National Curriculum in ICT looks like in practice. It can be used as a ‘yardstick’ to support consistency in teacher assessment. Progression in ICT The QCA website offers guidance on making judgements about standards and includes a progression map to assist teachers.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy Key features of progression Level 1 – Exploratory use and developing familiarity. Level 2 – Purposeful use toward specific outcomes. Level 3 – Using ICT to develop ideas and solve problems Level 4 – Combine and refine information from various sources. Interpret and consider plausibility. Level 5 – Combine the use of ICT tools within an overall structure. Critically evaluate fitness for purpose. Level 6 – Integration and efficiency Level 7 – Scope and implement ICT systems Level 8 – Independence and designing for others
Key Stage 3 National Strategy Finding Things Out To collect, search, investigate, explore. Developing Ideas/Making things happen To organise, sort, classify, structure, process, interpret, analyse, hypothesise and test. To combine, reorganise, amend and refine. Exchanging and sharing To be sensitive to audience needs and media conventions. To consider fitness for purpose. Modifying and evaluating as work progresses To reflect critically. To use feedback. To use a search engine. To cut and paste text and images. To use a presentation tool. To send an e- mail. (Higher order information skills)(IT techniques) Progression in skills and techniques
Key Stage 3 National Strategy Developing ICT capability Developing ICT techniques Developing higher order ICT skills Developing capability Task A Task B
Key Stage 3 National Strategy Developing ICT capability ICT Skills and Techniques Application in context Pupil is highly skilled, but cannot apply those skills in context Pupil can be defined as having ICT capability Pupil has low skill levels and few opportunities to apply in context Pupil has low skill levels and produces low level work as a consequence
Key Stage 3 National Strategy Assessment Tools ICT techniques –A short focused task –Short skills test –Observation ICT capability –Open ended assignments –Consider a wide range of evidence: drafts, discussions with pupils, observations, pupils evaluations as well as the finished product.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy Making an assessment 1 Key questions to consider when making a judgement. How did the pupil find information? How did the pupil organise, use or develop the information? How did the pupil share and present the information? During the process how did the pupil refine or amend work?
Key Stage 3 National Strategy Making an assessment 2
Key Stage 3 National Strategy Making an assessment 3 How did the pupil find information? How did the pupil use or develop the information? How did the pupil share and present the information? During the process how did the pupil refine or amend work? Used a search engine to locate specific information. Refined searches using keywords, ‘and’ and string searches. Entered data into a prepared model and identified the result. Changed data in the model to investigate different scenarios. Level description:The pupil is able to find and use stored information following straightforward lines of enquiry. Level description: The pupil is able to explore ICT based models to help them find things out and solve problems.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy Making a judgement at the end of the keystage You will arrive at judgements by taking into account strengths and weaknesses in performance across a range of contexts and over a period of time, rather than focusing on a single piece of work. A single piece of work will not cover all the expectations set out in a level description. What is more likely is that a piece of work will only provide partial evidence of attainment in one or two aspects of a level description. Taken together with other pieces of work covering a range of contexts teachers can make a judgement about which level best fits a pupil's overall performance.