PPE Use Standard (SSP-0011) Y Full Face Shield / Goggles Hood Clothing—Chemical Protection Gloves—Chemical Personal Fall Protection Respirator / Filter Mask Supplied Air Job Hazards Y es Job Hazards Y es Access and EgressMoving Parts Activities of OthersNoise Adverse WeatherRail Movement Chemical ExposureSharp Edges ElectricitySlips, Trips, and Falls FatigueStatic Electricity Fire and ExplosionTrip Injuries Ground ContaminationTrapped Pressure Manual HandlingWorking at Height Other: References / Documents TM (NACE) AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage 3LabOPS-LB-AL of 2 Antirust Properties of Petroleum Products by NACE Corrosion EnvironmentalSpecial Instructions Any problems, notify Shift Supervisor or Duane Chaisson. Scope / Objective Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. Completed Date:Prepared By:Approved By: Antirust Properties of Petroleum Products by NACE Corrosion 1Protective gloves should be worn throughout testing. 2Clean beakers with detergent rinsing thoroughly with DI water prior to drying in oven at 100°F. 3Stirrers and beaker covers are cleaned using isooctane, followed by DI water, then dried using lint-less cloth. 4Ensure bath temperature is 100±2°F (reading is taken from ASTM thermometer located at rear of bath cover). 5Add 300 mL sample to beaker(s). 6Place beaker(s) in oil bath ensuring that bath oil level is not below fuel level in test beaker. 7Place stirrer(s) through appropriate opening in plastic cover and place cover(s) on beaker(s). 8Rotate beaker(s) so that baffles are 90 degrees from test specimen hole. 9Start the stirrers and allow approximately 30 minutes for sample(s) to reach 100±2°F. 10Clean test specimen with acetone – test specimen must not be touched with bare hands at any time after cleaning. 11Mount test specimen on grinding chuck and tighten firmly. CAUTION: Test specimen may rotate during polishing causing it to fall off chuck. Close attention should be paid to test specimen and fingers or any loose clothing, hair, badge lanyards, etc. to ensure no entanglement occurs. Stand to side of chuck while apparatus is rotating. 12Apply abrasive cloth to test specimen and continue grinding until any rust or irregularities are removed. 13Final polishing is performed using a new piece of abrasive cloth and is performed immediately prior to running test. EquipmentMaterials and Reagents
AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage 3LabOPS-LB-AL of 2 Antirust Properties of Petroleum Products by NACE Corrosion Continued Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. Completed Date:Prepared By:Approved By: Antirust Properties of Petroleum Products by NACE Corrosion (continued) NOTE: Test specimens may be stored in isooctane after preliminary grinding but prior to final polishing. 14Attach test specimen to holder then rinse with toluene followed by acetone. 15Perform final rinse of test specimen with isooctane and immediately insert test specimen assembly through hole in beaker cover. 16 Allow sample(s) to stir for 30 minutes then, with stirrers still rotating, add 30 mL distilled water, using a long-necked funnel, into the bottom of the beaker. 17Continue stirring sample(s) for 3.5 hours then turn off stirrers and remove beaker(s). 18Remove test specimen(s) and rinse with toluene followed by acetone. 19 Rate test specimen using 2x lighted magnifying glass according to the following table: Rating Percent of Test Surface Corrosion A 0 B++ Less than 0.1 (2 or 3 spots, no more than 1 mm diameter) B+ Less than 5 B 5 – 25 C 25 – 50 D 50 – 75 E 75 – 100