Year 5 Parents Information Afternoon Running order: The team Behaviour New curriculum Homework Information Question
Year 5 Team 5S – Elly Savage (Year Leader) 5D – Rachel Davies (Computing Coordinator) 5B – Katherine Ballinger (MFL Coordinator) 5JY – Claire Johnson / Jo Young (Geography Coordinator) Anna Rusbatch - Music Teacher Jane Johnson- PPA cover Mike Brownlee- PE Teacher Kate Montague – Teaching Assistant Meg Ballard – Teaching Assistant Angie Bonnel/Jan Hollingdale/ Hazel Evans/ Kennedy Bell- Individual Needs Assistants
Rewards Star of the Week Pupil of the Term Silver Stickers Gold Certificates Golden Time
Behaviour Warning Mr Franceschi Gold Certificate! Silver Sticker! A word from Mr Franceschi!
Assessment Life without levels…
ICT has been replaced with Computing.... Throughout the year your child will become..... Animators Opinion Pollsters Bug FixersCommunicatorsPresenters Your child will have 1 Computing Lesson a week, not all lessons will be in our new Computing Lab some will be using...a pencil and paper! Cross Curricular We have a range of technology which your child will be using throughout the year in lots of other subjects. Laptops Netbooks Digital Cameras Desktop iPadsMachines Android Tablets Blogs From November every child in the school will be blogging on our school Virtual Learning Environment - only people in the school community will be able to see this. Why not ask them to share it with you?
Our topic this term…
Other subjects French P4C SLP Why do philosophy with children? Builds a community of thinkers Develops reasoning skills Creates a culture of respect
Project based Homework New to Year 5 Given out on a Thursday Homework folders to be handed in on a Tuesday Main task – children can choose 4 from the grid. There are two tasks in bold which have specific hand in dates. Spellings Reading Times Tables
Information PE days- Tuesday and Thursday 5JY and 5D swimming on Tuesday’s (5S and 5B after half term) PE Kit – please label clothes! Jewellery Water bottles Healthy snacks
Communicating with your child’s teacher Best time is at the end of the day Thursday morning – play duty Make an appointment at the office Send a note with your child Send a message through the office
Important Dates Astrodome – Tuesday 29 th September Parents’ Evening – Tuesday 10 th and Thursday 12 th November Week beginning Monday 14 th December – Greek Exhibition Tuesday 1 st and Wednesday 9 th March – Newhaven Trip Monday 14 th – Friday 18 th – Isle of Wight
Thank you for attending If you would like to come into help with reading or can offer any expertise please see your child’s class teacher. IF YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS PLEASE POP THEM IN THE SUGGESTION BOX ON THE STAGE. We look forward to working with you over the coming year.