Priority Families Liz Perfect – Priority Families Coordinator More information available: miliesframework miliesframework
Context Government identified 120,000 Troubled Families Nationally The cost to the public purse is £9 billion a year Trouble Families Programme is a results based funding scheme to provide financial incentives and encourage LA’s and partners to “grasp the nettle” to develop new ways of working with families Estimated unit cost of intensive interventions is around £10,000 DCLG will provide £4,000 for each eligible troubled family the LA and partners will make up the rest of the investment Indicative number of families in Derby is 660 Upfront attachment fee provided for each family followed by Payment by Results for evidence of progress measures
Priority Families Criteria Criteria 1 Crime/anti-social behaviour Identify young people involved in crime and families involved in anti-social behaviour Data source Derbyshire Police, CNP and Derby Homes Criteria 2 Education Identify households affected by truancy or exclusion from school Data source CYP Criteria 2 Education Identify households affected by truancy or exclusion from school Data source CYP Criteria 3 Work Identify households that have an adult on Department for Work and Pensions out of work benefits Data source DWP Criteria 3 Work Identify households that have an adult on Department for Work and Pensions out of work benefits Data source DWP 65 Families identified with 3 criteria 353 Families identified with 2 criteria Criteria 4 – Local discretionary criteria sub groups to include: Mental Health Data source AHH Mental Health Data source AHH Domestic Abuse Data Source Police Domestic Abuse Data Source Police Priority Offenders Data source Probation Priority Offenders Data source Probation NEET Data source Connexions NEET Data source Connexions Drug and Alcohol Use Data Source DAAT Drug and Alcohol Use Data Source DAAT Gangs Data source MAGT Gangs Data source MAGT CIN/Child Protection Data source CYP CIN/Child Protection Data source CYP
Service Delivery Model Priority Families Coordinator Project Manage the development and implementation of a service delivery model that turns around the lives of 660 families in Derby by March 2015 Identification of families Transforming services Workforce Development Performance Monitoring Referral Pathways VCMTAS MASH Resource Panel MARAC External Projects ESF Programme MST FNP (Ripplez) FGC Work Programme (other externally funded support programmes) MAT Teams HealthHousing YOS PRUCAHMS Schools DAAT Gangs Connexions Social Care AHH Probation 3 rd Sector Provider Framework Family support Family Mentoring Additional service where there are identified service gaps