1Associate Professor, Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, 196 Car Dusan Str., Zemun-Serbia, Phone: ,( kpa.edu.rs ) 2 Lecturer, Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies 196 Car Dusan Str., Zemun-Serbia, Phone: , ( kpa.edu.rs kpa.edu.rs kpa.edu.rs Željko Nikač, PhD, 1 Boban Simic, LLM 2 1
INTRODUCTION The basic function of the police, as the most massive, uniformed and armed organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia is to achieve security of citizens and enable the realization of their rights and freedoms are guaranteed by Constitution and other law. Police training is implementing at all levels in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia: in different courses, in Centre for Basic Police Training, Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, as well as in organizational units of the police. 2
ORGANIZATION AND TYPES OF POLICE TRAINING Police training can be sorted by different criteria. One of the most important criteria are the type of skills represented in the training. According to this criterion police training can be divided into: physical, fire training, and tactical. 3
Besides this, police training can be classified according to other criteria such as: according to criteria of general importance on the general and special, or specialized; according to level of training on basic training and training for leading structure unit of the police; according to type of training providers and organizers on training conducted in police educational institutions and training that are implemented in the organizational units of the police; in relation to the area where the training is conducted in the urban environment and field conditions. 4
METHODOLOGY FOR PERFORMANCE OF POLICE TRAINING Considering that in the Serbian education system prevailed opinion that the teacher is competent simply because has acquired academic or scientific degree, not enough attention is paid to proper and complete education and training of teachers in the methodological knowledge and skills. 5
The main characteristics and advantages of the methodology by which the teachers are trained from the pilot program-Course for Trainers II, as an advanced and affirmative methodology, are: education (training) is conducted in small groups (3 to 8 students), teaching is aimed at students, responsibility for learning is transferred to the students, the teacher is not a teacher, he is coordinator in the educational process, in which all three domains of learning are realized. 6
Student is according to this methodology active subject of teaching, not object(a passive listener) and central place in the teaching process is occupied by students. In further text will be presented all the relevant elements of this methodology: Planning and programming of police training Basic notes about training of adults The constituent elements of the methodology of training 7
The constituent elements of the methodology of training The objectives of the training Teaching methods Teaching aids that are using in training Lesson plan implementation Teaching environment - working space Testing and assessment – Evaluation Domains of learning in the implementation of training: o A cognitive o Affective o Psychomotor 8
Model creation of teaching Preparing students before the class Review of knowledge Identification and clarification of the dilemma Advanced learning Maslow theory of human needs Physiological needs The need for security The need for belonging and love The need for respect and self-esteem The need for self-actualization 9
CONCLUSION The main function of police training in the Republic of Serbia is training police personnel for the safe, lawful and effective treatment in their jobs, especially in the application of powers. It would also constitute a factor of better, stronger and more durable relationship between the police and the public, to raise citizens' security culture to the next level, as well as recognition of policing in the community ("community policing"). 10
Thank you for your attention 11