CE 525
ESRI VIDEO Take notes! is/player.cfm is/player.cfm
QUIZ What is the difference between the actual observed values and the predicted values called?
QUIZ What is the difference between the actual observed values and the predicted values called? the residual
QUIZ Name two of the six checks we use to see if a model is trustable?
QUIZ Name two of the six checks we use to see if a model is trustable? 1.Randomly distributed model residuals 2.Statistically significant coefficients 3.Defensible variable relationships 4.No multicollinearity 5.Normally distributed residuals 6.Strong adjusted R 2
QUIZ A test for redundancy can be done by checking what factor?
QUIZ A test for redundancy can be done by checking what factor? Variance inflation factor or VIF
POSTER PROJECTS Who hasn’t seen Reg?