Biomes: Islands & Evolution Collaborative Project Melissa Noble
Table of Contents Essential Questions Project Description Sequence of Activities and Due Dates Rubrics/Grading
Essential Questions How do Islands form? How do plant and animal species travel to Islands by air or water? What is an Island? What are the three major ways Islands form?
New Zealand, The Florida Keys & Hawaii….How did they form??? Melting Ice Caps Colonies of Coral Polyps Volcanism
The Collaborative Project A PowerPoint Presentation…. Step 1: Collaborative Team Meeting Meet with your assigned group Elect a Spokesperson for the group Without wasting time, choose your individual question from the handout (4 choices) As a group, review your text material about Island formation Pick up the handout with expectations for your chosen portion of the presentation Homework : bring in one question to discuss in class from your text material and describe in detail the 3 ways that Islands are formed. Put question and description in a word document. SAVE! Begin your research. Take notes in the word document.
How to Work Collaboratively… You are assigned teams to complete this project A major part of the grade is based on your team’s ability to successfully collaborate Every team member must collaborate If there are problems working as a team, you will need to attempt to work it out within the structure of the group If you cannot come to a resolution, then you can notify me
Step 2: Team Meeting Class Discussion and Student Questions Break into teams and share the information you have gathered from your text reading with your team members Discuss your team project title and table of contents Homework: Continue to research your topic and take notes in word document. Make sure your name is on it. Save, print and bring to class tomorrow
Step 3: Computer Lab Use your printed notes to create 3-4 slides on PowerPoint There will be a discussion and handout with detailed information on how to create an effective slide show Your team will have some time tomorrow to finish up final details…but do as much as you can today Please focus on content first…graphics and other fun stuff can be added after Homework : Finish last minute research and note taking. Place resources on the same word document, save and print. Bring to class tomorrow
Step 4: Finishing touches/graphics Finish slides and add graphics Turn in notes with sources Homework: slides to me for review or any necessary revisions
Step 5: Collaborative Workshop Teams to review teacher revisions Consensus on overall “look” of PowerPoint Rehearse presentation! Homework: Rehearse your portion of the presentation Presentations tomorrow!
Grading…. Please review the rubric (collaborative PowerPoint presentation) Grading will be for the collaborative PowerPoint presentation Individual work to be reviewed and graded as homework: 1) question from reading 2) detailed description of 3 ways Islands are formed 3) notes from other sources 4) source list (text plus 2 other sources). To get full credit for homework, this work needs to be turned in on time. *** Important: All students in each group will receive the same grade, unless the group notifies teacher of problems in advance