General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Military Cooperation with NATO and the EU, and Peacekeeping/Operational Activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: Goals, Tasks and Priorities Kyiv, 26th January 2016 1
Goals, tasks and principles MAIN GOAL – enhancement of the operational capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine MAIN TASKS extensive support of targets fulfillment relating aggression resistance, sovereignty restoration and territorial integrity of Ukraine; assistance of OSCE Special Monitoring Mission’s to Ukraine activities, EU Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform of Ukraine; ensuring of reforming and optimization of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by employing world’s best practices; continuation of constructive dialogue and partnership with strategic partners, neighbor countries (not RF) and international organizations; achieving of the necessary level of interoperability in order to fulfill international obligations in military sphere and participation in crisis response operations MAIN PRINCIPLES mutually beneficial relations CONSTRUCTIVISM PRAGMATISM 2
International Activities of the Armed Forces International Cooperation Bilateral (with other countries) Cooperation with International Organizations Multilateral (regional and sub-regional) International Peacekeeping Activities/Military Exercises 3
Ukraine – EU cooperation priorities Expansion format of military-political dialogue between the leaders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the European Union Preparation for the joint military exercises and multinational peacekeeping operations Involvement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the formation of EU Battle Groups Training of UAF representatives in the framework of EU Common Security and Defence Policy 4
Ukraine – NATO cooperation priorities Reconstitute and further enhance UAF operational capabilities Continue to implement NATO standards and best practices throughout the UAF by making use of existing NATO educational and training capabilities Common priorities (MC WP 2016) Further develop C3 systems, ISTAR, Force Protection and STRATCOM capabilities Further develop LOG including MED support, demining and C-IED capabilities PERSPECTIVE AREAS OF COOPERATION WITH NATO: exchange of information and communication at the strategic level (STRATCOM); development of Ukrainian Special Operations Forces; implementation of projects as for formation of new high-grade capabilities of the UAF in the sphere of command, communication and information, as well as logistics and military medicine; development of national system of demining and counter IED with support of NATO; pilot project to restore UKR Navy operational capabilities 5
Individual Partnership Program Ukraine – NATO 2015 256 Representatives of Armed Forces of Ukraine Participated In 176 Activities: 108 3 48 17
Bilateral Military Cooperation Priorities Political-military dialogue, consultations, staff talks, working meetings Advisory and material- technical assistance PRIORITIES Joint training of forces and UAF units participation in multinational exercises Cross-border cooperation Development of new perspective initiatives in the sphere of personnel education and training Medical treatment and rehabilitation of military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 7
Regional Cooperation Priorities Termination of Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade “LITPOLUKRBRIG” HQ formation Participation in V4 + Ukraine format Participation in multinational engineer battalion “Tysa” activities Participation in DCHOD Committee of Southeastern European Defense Ministerial (SEDM) Participation in “Black Sea Harmony” Initiative 8
International Exercise in year 2015 UA – US CPX “Cyber Guardian/Rapid Trident – 2015” The EU Certification Exercise “Common Challenge – 2015” UA – US National Guard Exercise “Fearless Guardian – 2015” UA – POL Military Police Exercise “Law and Order – 2015” Engineer Battalion іExercise “Tysa” “Light Avalange – 2015” Antisubmarine Exercise “Sea Shield – 2015" International Exercise “Marble Arch – 2015" – on the Ukrainian Territory – abroad UA – POL Air Force Exercise “Safe Sky – 2015" UA – US Naval Exercise “Sea Breeze – 2015” Multinational Exercise of NRF “Trident Junker – 2015"
Current Participation of UAF in Peacekeeping Operations UNMIK (Kosovo) JPKF (Transnistria) RS (Afghanistan) KFOR (Kosovo) UNFICYP (Cyprus) Слайд № 2 На сьогодні, 552 представника Збройних Сил України беруть участь у 10 міжнародних операціях з підтримання миру і безпеки під егідою ООН, НАТО, а також у складі спільних миротворчих сил на території 8 країн світу та районі Аб’єй. 10 OPERATIONS (MISSIONS) IN 8 COUNTRIES: UN NATO UNMIL 209 KFOR 40 UNMIK 2 RS 10 UNMISS UNISFA MONUSCO 266 UNOCI 3 JPKF UNFICYP Transnistria Total : 552 UNMISS UNISFA (South Sudan, Abyei) UNMIL UNOCI (Liberia, Côte d'Ivoire) MONUSCO (DR Congo) 10 3
Future Plans, Priorities and Ways Ahead Developing Military-political Dialogue at the Strategic Level (Bilateral, NATO/EU MC, NB9, V4, etc) Enhancing Participation in the Regional Organisations, Projects and Initiatives (SEDM, V4, LITPOLUKRBrig, etc) Developing Partnership with NATO and the EU (PARP, PDP, Smart Defence, Trust Funds, CSDP, etc) Participating in NATO RF, EU BTG as well as in other Regional Task Forces Initiatives Participating in Peacekeeping and Crisis Response Operations (KFOR, Afghanistan, Africa) Developing Relations with Neighbors and Strategic Partners (Lessons Learned, Training, Defence Planning, Language Courses) 3
Thank You for Your attention! General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Thank You for Your attention! 12