Flavour violation in ``minimal'' SUSY SU(5) models Toshifumi Yamashita (SISSA) 14 December, 2006 @CKM2006, Nagoya In preparation. with F. Borzumati (SISSA & ICTP→NCU (Taiwan)) S. Mishima (IAS, Princeton)
``minimal'' SUSY SU(5) “ ” minimal SUSY SU(5) + mass “ ” + mass + possible non-renormalizable terms SU(5) & SM breaking part is unchanged.
Plan Introduction Seesaw Mechanism Analysis Summary
Introduction LFV vs. QFV in SUSY-GUTs Yukawa LFV Seesaw mechanism F. Borzumati & A. Masiero (1986)
Introduction LFV vs. QFV in SUSY-GUTs Grand Unification Yukawa LFV Seesaw mechanism Dependence? Several Types Grand Unification QFV realistic?? T. Moroi (2000) Fermion Spectra Proton Decay NROs New Physics above GUT We change Mcutoff from MGUT to Mpl.
Seesaw Mechanism Possible Types of Seesaw mechanism : Fermion / R-parity odd : Scalar / R-parity even Type I Type III Type II
Seesaw Mechanism Possible Types of Seesaw mechanism Type I Type III
Seesaw Mechanism Type I vs. Type II Seesaw Type I LFV > QFV Type II “Minimal Ansatz” Type I LFV > QFV Decoupling Type II LFV ~ QFV
Seesaw Mechanism Type I vs. Type III Seesaw Type I LFV > QFV “Minimal Ansatz” Type I LFV > QFV Decoupling Type III LFV ~ QFV
Analysis Parameters & Benchmark values We change Mcutoff . GUT parameters : MGUT = MC = 2×10 GeV 16 Seesaw parameters : Type I, III : Type II : Low energy parameters : : NH, SUSY parameters :
Analysis Preliminary. Results : Mseesaw =10 GeV 14 QFV QFV/LFV LFV
Analysis Preliminary. Results : Mseesaw =10 GeV 14 QFV QFV/LFV LFV
Analysis Results : Mseesaw =10 GeV (Type II) Preliminary. QFV QFV/LFV 12 QFV QFV/LFV LFV
Summary We investigate LFV & QFV in “minimal” SU(5) models with Type I /II/III seesaw. Cutoff dependence: Type I : sensitive Type II, III : QFV/LFV is insensitive dependence : quite small Future works More exhaustive scan. Phenomenological constraints More natural model : MP, SO(10)…
Only for Explanation
Problems of GUTs & Solutions SUSY-GUT The Hierarchy problem is solved. Gauge Coupling Unification But ・・・ DT Splitting problem Proton decay (vs. GCU) Fermion Yukawa SUSY flavor problem Minimal Ansatz LFV QFV
Problems of GUTs & Solutions Solutions for DTS problem In Xtra Dim. Sliding Singlet mechanism Dimopoulos-Wilczek mechanism GIFT mechanism Missing Partner mechanism 4D SU(5) Fine-tuning minimal SU(5) Not natural, but technically natural. It is true for both & . Y.Kawamura, H.Murayama & M.Yamaguchi (1995)
Problems of GUTs & Solutions Fermion Spectrum Wrong GUT relation: Non-Renormalizable Operators GUT breaking effects Little effects on RGE New mixing in Flavor Proton Decay NRO can suppress only Yukawa of . is allowed. D.E. Costa & S. Wiesenfelds (2003)
Problems of GUTs & Solutions Low Scale Gravity Mediation H.Itoh, N.Okada & T.Y. (2006) H If Gravity mediation with the Minimal Ansatz. Lower cutoff scale !! Gravitino LSP (SuperWIMP).