The Health Roundtable 3-3c_HRT1215-Session_SMEATON_ISHLHD_NSW High Five DRG Project Presenter: Alexander Smeaton Hospital Wollongong Innovation Poster Session HRT1215 – Innovation Awards Sydney 11 th and 12 th Oct
The Health Roundtable KEY PROBLEM Health Round Table data identified that our RSI in the below DRGs was substantially higher compared to all other Health Round Table members E62 E65 B70 G02 F62 2
The Health Roundtable AIM OF THIS INNOVATION To Save 800 bed days across the district in the identified high RSI DRGs To develop documented models of care for each high RSI DRG 3
The Health Roundtable BASELINE DATA Blaze Hospital DRG CodeDRG NameEpisodesALOSTWH RSIALL HRT RSIExemplar weighted Average Potential Bed Day Savings E62Respiratory Infection/Inflam mations %93%83%1185 E65COAD %91%71%1168 B70Stroke %88%76% Vaginal Delivery %96%90%881 F62Heart Failure & Shock %96% 717 F73Syncope & Collapse %96%81%595 B69TIA & Precerebral Occlusion %93%84%581 G02Major Small & Large Bowel Procedures %96%82%441 4
The Health Roundtable BASELINE DATA Blaze 3 DRG Code DRG NameEpisodesALOSSHH RSI ALL HRT RSI Exemplar weighted Average Potenti al Bed Day Savings E65COAD %91%72%989 E62Respiratory Infection/Inflammations %93%79%567 F62Heart Failure & Shock %96%77%344 F73Syncope & Collapse %96%72%253 B70Stroke %88%63%189 5
The Health Roundtable KEY CHANGES IMPLEMENTED Improved clinical Documentation in the medical records Clinical engagement in the coding process Development of clinical pathways for identified DRGs Implementation of DRG Facilitators at Blaze Implementation of DRG LOS Facilitator across the district 6
The Health Roundtable OUTCOMES SO FAR Target of 800 bed day savings within identified DRGs met Reduction in RSI in identified DRGs Blaze RSI decreased from 116% - 100% Blaze3 RSI decreased from 119% - 60% Blaze RSI decreased from 105% - 91% Blaze3 RSI decreased from 113% - 97% Blaze3 RSI decreased from 117% - 102% Blaze RSI decreased from 146% - 124% Blaze3 RSI decreased from 131% - 120% 7
The Health Roundtable LESSONS LEARNT Clinician engagement essential from the beginning Requires dedicated project team Sustainability is key Real time education and review of clinical documentation is essential 8