WEANING FEED YOUNG CHILD By ………………… Submitted anonymously If you are the writer of this presentation, write us your name, we gladly put it on presentation!
OBJECTIVES To learn optimum practices of weaning during infancy To counsel & guide mothers & families about the quality, quantity, frequency and consistency of food for an infant
WEANING Addition of supplementary feed to the primary feed WEANING AGE: 4 – 6 months
EARLY WEANING Can lead to Infections due to immature process & incomplete cellular lining of intestines Indigested / undigested food cross & result in excessive production of IGE Allergies
LATE WEANING Can cause: Growth Retardation due to PEM Fall in weight gain Growth Retardation due to PEM Fe & Vitamin requirements not fulfilled Reflexes are developed enough to manage semisolids
Gradual Process: Breast Milk fluids semisolids solids Transitional Period: 6months – 30 months
WEANING Addition of supplement Food to previous feed Weaning means giving family food in addition to the breast milk, it is a gradual process by which the infant become accustomed to the adult diet Weaning Age: 4-6 months
Weaning Food should be Cheap, Palatable, Nutrition's of socially acceptable
REQUIREMENT Cals: 110 – 120 cals / kg first 6 months 100 cals / kg by the end of 1 yr 50 cals / kg – adult
PROTIEN 2.5 G / kg – 1st yr 2 G / kg – 2nd yr 1.8 G /kg – 5 yr Fluids 110-150 ml / kg – 1st year 15 – 18 ml / kg - Adult
Feeding of children Exclusive breast feeding 0-4 months Juice ,fruit, vegetable ,cereals 2/day 4-5 months Butter ,meat etc more food 3-4/day 5-7 months Can eat family diet fish, egg small frequent feed 12 months
Nutrition of Infants 4 – 6 Months: Give Br. Milk 6 times / day on demand Feed semisolid foods 7-9 Months: Continue Br. Feeding Feed semisolid foods, increase quantity Include foods from each group 10-12 Months increase quantity can eat family diet by 12 m
Food Squares for Infant Diets Staple food Rice, wheat, maize, potatoes Protein foods Bean, dal, peas, groundnut, milk, yoghurt, cheese, fish, meat, eggs Vitamin and mineral foods Dark green leafy vegetable, tomatoes, carrots, fruits Energy food Butter oils, sugars, Soya oil, corn oil Breast Milk
Suggested diet should be: Practical Specific Affordable Acceptable / appropriate Based on the results of dietary assessment
Daily Food Guide Young Child 1-3 yrs 4-6 yrs Staple 2 roti ( 200 cal) 4 rotis Fruit 2 pieces Vegetable ½ Pao Legumes ¾ Pao ½ Pao Meat 1/8 Pao ½ chi tank Milk ½ liter ½ litre Oils /Fats 2 TSF 4 TSF
COUNCELLING MOTHERS Instructions should be practical & early understood Locally available foods & within family budget Food should be prepared specially for baby during 1st few months ( 4-12 months) Feed each weaning food repeatedly till baby develops a taste for it Food should be from all 4 groups
Basic Principles for feeding young children Continue breast feeding Variety of foods & use of weaning mixes (from all 4 groups) Soft consistency Gradually increase serving size Encourage children to eat more High energy density (add oil) Small frequents meals
Should be from family table, preferably freshly cooked Good energy staple foods are bulky enrich with low bulk high energy foods e.g. fats Expensive foods such as meat & eggs may be nutrition's but they are not necessary Legumes i.e. dals re the best low cost source of Protein Seasonal fruits & vegetables are added to the infant’s diet Avoid dilution of foods with water as it reduces energy density Good weaning food is mixture of different groups
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