Relational Theory
Evolution of Relational Theory Etiology of theory from early ’80’s linking object relations, self-psychology and interpersonal theories into a relational paradigm Psychic reality viewed as encompassing both intrapsychic and interpersonal worlds Intrapsychic representations include the self, the other and the interaction between them Interpersonal processes alter intrapsychic processes and vice versa Changing patterns of interaction perpetually transform themselves
Evolution of Relational Theory (cont.) Mentally healthy person has positive representations of self, good representations of others Facilitates formation of good interpersonal relationships
Influence of Postmodernism and Feminism Postmodernism: No one “truth”- reality is in the eyes of the beholder Standpoint: truth given where one “stands” within the socioeconomic cultural milieu Feminism: mutuality, partnership, equality in relationship, empowerment, non-hierarchical
Therapeutic Relationship: Transference and Countertransference Therapeutic relationship is not the individual but an international field wherein client demonstrates and evolves herself An individual is understandable only through the composite of present and past relationships Transference NOT seen as a distortion projected onto therapist Seen as a “real” social response to actions of therapist Countertransference is therapist’s subjective experiences of therapeutic relationship plus patient’s transference Intersubjectivity: System of reciprocal mutual influence and mutual recognition Primary clinical question is NOT “what does it mean to client…” rather: “ What is going on between client and therapist?”
Therapeutic Relationship: Techniques of Relational Therapy Interaction-driven techniques: Balancing comfort with challenge to expand cognitive and emotional capacities Joining techniques: to build alliance, mirroring, empathizing, supporting Separating techniques: reality testing, reframing, interpreting, uncovering unconscious Joining and separating techniques : silence, free association, use of therapist’s fleeting thoughts
Cultural Relational Theory Self-in-relation theory formulated by members of the Stone Center (1990’s) Challenges separation/individuation paradigm and suggests relationship differentiation Based on a model of female developmental theory that stresses females strive to be relationally connected Women's relational bonds are devalued and described as “dependency”
Components of Cultural Relational Theory Mutual empathy: a mutual, interactive process providing a way to join within an emotional, attentive and responsive way Relationship authenticity: dialog which is responsive to both parties; therein allowing each to be “true” “ to find one’s voice” Relationship differentiation: willingness to allow EACH person to change and grow Self-empathy: inner sense of relationship fostered by therapists empathy to the client
Cultural Relational Theory and Women’s Groups A stage model for women’s groups which emphasizes connection to other !st stage: Preaffiliation, tentativeness observation 2nd stage: Establishing a relational base, rather than moving into power and control Discover shared experiences, seek approval from and connection to others and safety 3rd.stage: empathic attunement marked by intimacy and mutual Intersubjectivity 4th stage: questioning and change: themselves, others and the group leader Can demonstrate anger in a safe environment 5th stage: normative feelings associated with endings
Relational Theory and Diversity Critique has been over-focus on mother/daughter relationship Gender may not be the central dynamic affecting women of color Racial and social oppression, economic status, acculturation, minority identity development affect minority females
Summary Relational theory and practice a post-modern perspective Therapeutic relationship is interactive highlighting empathy, authenticity and mutually enhancing growth