Higher Computing Science 2016 Prelim Revision
Topics to revise Computational Constructs parameter passing (value and reference, formal and actual) sub-programs/routines, defined by their name and arguments (inputs and outputs), including functions procedures Data Types and Structures string numeric (integer and real) variables Boolean variables 1-D arrays and records (including arrays of records) sequential files (open, create, read, write, close)
Topics to revise Algorithm Specification Analysis, exemplification and implementation of algorithms including: input validation Find Max/MIn linear search count occurrences Analysis of other algorithms of similar complexity Testing and documenting solutions constructing a test plan comprehensive testing syntax, execution and logic errors dry runs trace tables /tools breakpoints Low Level Operations Use of binary to represent and store Integers and real numbers
2's complement
Actual Parameters
Arithmetic Operators
Array Handling
Boolean Variables
By Reference/By Value
Count Occurrences
Data Structure - Records
Floating Point Notation
Formal Parameters
Functional Calls
Functions Return
Global Variables
Indexes in Arrays
Logical Errors
Logical Operators
Reading from files
Trace Table
Writing to file