Crystal Miltimore Justin Bost Chris Nadeau
Background ► Newport, Arkansas, Sam Walton founder of variety store ► Rogers, Arkansas- First Walmart Store ► Walmart Stores was Incorporated ► 1970 – Trading as Publicly Held Company
Background ► 1972 – Listed on New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) ► 1988 – First Walmart Supercenter ► 1994 – Went International (Canada) ► 1998 – Neighborhood Market concept introduced
Background ► 2002 – Listed as America’s largest corporation on Fortune 500 ► 2005 – Energy efficiency moves ► 2007 – New slogan “Save Money Live Better” ► 2008 – New company logo “Walmart*”
Background ► Operating Segments Walmart Stores US Walmart Discount Stores Walmart Supercenters Walmart Neighborhood Markets Marketside Sam’s Club Walmart International
Background ► World’s Largest Retailer/Employer Over $404 Billion in sales in 2009 Approx. 8,159 Retail locations in 15 countries Approx. 2.1 Million Employees ► International Locations Mexico, China, Brazil, Canada, India, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Japan, United Kingdom
Background ► Governed by a 15 member Board of Directors (Hillary Clinton) ► Websites ► Competition Kmart, Target, Costco, BJ’s
Background Walmart Strategies ► Low price everyday ► Effective inventory control ► Bargaining power over suppliers ► Global expansion for new market
Ethical Issues 1. Discrimination 2. Female Workers 3. Disabled Workers 4. Sweatshop Workers 5. Illegal Immigrants
Ethical Issues 6. Low Benefits 7. Poor Working Conditions 8. Unions 9. Leadership Issues 10. Environmental Issues
Ethical Issues ► Statement of Ethics - covers Associates, Directors, suppliers, consultants, law firms, public relations firms, contractors and other service providers 3 Basic Beliefs ► Respect for Individual ► Service to Customers ► Strive for Excellence
Stakeholders & Obligations ► Employees Safe working conditions Benefits ► Environment Maintain safe environmental conditions ► Government Pay Taxes Financial Reporting
Stakeholders & Obligations ► Shareholders Greatest return possible Accurate reporting and Stock Prices ► Customers Low Prices Good quality products and services ► Suppliers Continuance
Quote of the Day “There are really only two important points when it comes to ethics. The first is a standard to follow. The second is the will to follow it.” - John C. Maxwell, leadership expert
Core Ethical Values ► Commitment to employees ► Fairness Discrimination ► Female workers ► Disabled workers ► Sweatshop workers
Core Ethical Values (cont.) ► Commitment to employees ► Fairness Low benefits ► Health care, wages/ hours Poor working conditions ► Denied rest breaks ► Reprimanded for claiming overtime
Core Ethical Values (cont.) ► Ethical behavior/ integrity Poor working conditions ► Altered timecards Illegal immigrants ► Suggested “shell companies” Unions ► Thwart any union movements
Core Ethical Values (cont.) ► Ethical behavior/ integrity Thomas Coughlin ► Corporate citizenship Environmental issues ► Tennessee, Utah, California, etc.
Operational Issues ► Failure to comply Settlements, penalties, fines ► Work environment Could effect productivity ► Tone at the top Failure to lead by example
Accounting Issues ► Bogus Expenses Coughlin claims “anti-union expenses” for personal use Understated expenses if overtime is being hidden ► Monopoly Relationship with supplier allows manipulation of supplier prices
Response ► Improve Image ► CEO- increase minimum wage ► Increase employee benefits ► Energy conservative measures ► Global Statement on Ethics ► Donations/Programs
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