Конкурс: «С Днём Победы!» Тема: «Our school history» Выполнила: Шеронова Анжелика, 9 «А», школа №51, Нижний Новгород In 2015 we celebrate the 70th anniversary of our great victory. All people unite on May 9 and congratulate our dear veterans. We are the last generation that sees the veterans alive.
I live in Kanavinsky district. And this district played an important role in wartime, because there were a lot of factories producing transport and weapon. My school is situated here. It also worked for the victory!
Our school leavers went to the front in They were ready to do everything for the victory. And we are proud of them!
Both men and women fought against the fascist Germany. Alyaev Pavel Ivanovich, Sorokina Taisiya Nikolaevna and Milovskaya Sofia Mikhailovna are among them.
My school was a hospital during the war. Doctors and nurses helped wounded soldiers to survive. Our school never forgets about those terrible days when doctors, not teachers, worked in the classrooms, when a lot of young people, our school leavers, were killed. We are thankful to those who defended our country and we are proud of them!